My company hid a special Easter egg (free $10,000 cash giveaway to 10 winners each; this is legitimate because we're worth way more) within this site to help you out and encourage you to read it all for your own benefit! Even read parts a day you would for $100 million but this is heaven, the unimaginable, we're discussing here! This giveaway ends this month so read, read, read!
This site proves a God exists and details why and how to worship him for better than kingdoms of reward per worship! That's the reward of better than a king of the world in saying 3 seconds worship! See how lucky you are? Read for 5+ minutes to see how, even if you believe in God. Please just read 5 minutes and you'll convert and worship.
​Why wouldn't you believe? You get rewarded for believing, save yourself from the fire, and there's no harm to believe. Imagine you become a billionaire in the next life if you die believing. It's the same satisfaction. Why not? Even if God doesn't exist, you lose nothing to believe. Even with no proof you should believe there's no harm. We provide more proof anyways below. Would you read this whole site for a kingdom? You get more than that per 1 second worship!
Proofs God Exists:
​How did the universe or earth get created if God didn't create it? There was nothing before the universe so how did it come to be as something can't come from nothing. 0 + 0 can't equal 1.
The common reply is "well how was God created" but that answers a question with a question and doesn't answer how the big bang began.
The answer is: God created time and time has a beginning, middle, and end. God created the big bang. Therefore God had no beginning as time doesn't apply to God, he always existed. There is no answer to how the big bang started other than a creator. If you reply "well we just don't know it doesn't mean God exists," see the more proofs and miracles below!
A soccer game takes 90 minutes, a concert takes hours, school takes 8 hours a day for years- reading this site takes 20+ minutes so listen to this to better your next life!
Multiple scholars confirmed this site.
(Imagine a million times whatever like an orgasm, you get better than that per worship!) You'll never experience 10x an orgasm and you work for $30 an hour, don't you think it's logical to dedicate just 20-30 minutes to learning how to benefit your hereafter? It's eternal too. We should work 8 hours for the next life rather a 9-5. Like if you have 1 + 1 + 1 you get 3 not 3 1s. Similarly 10x an orgasm is 10 multiplied by the feeling. Imagine a million! ​All the money in the world can't buy 10x an orgasm see why this site and worship is so important so read it all for your benefit!
1 million times whatever like an orgasm is worth more than all the money in the world! Would you read this site for $10,000? One worship is worth millions more so read this whole site to learn and be ultra worshipers.
Sorry for taking up your time just read for your spare time I promise it'll help; I'm just trying to help :)
I sleep 10 minutes and eat bites a week, to find out how so you can too read this site entirely! This alone proves God as it's not magic, so aren't you interested to read this site fully? I also shave without water or shaving cream even my privates - this is blessing we go more about it below. This site is not a waste of time as we teach how to sleep 30 minutes. That saves you 8+ hours a day for life by going through this site entirely for 30 minutes.
(Please read it all, there is more proofs below. Dedicate 15-30 minutes to this site as it has life changing information. I'm trying to help not seem special or smart. This site, in its entirety, is worth more to you than a lot of reward a billion dollars. God says you would crawl in the dawn for the reward of worship. The next life is over a billion years so you should be eager to better it by reading this site fully. And imagine a billion times whatever you want like pleasures like orgasm, drugs, alcohol, gambling, the feeling of sex or happiness, etc, you get that each time you worship.)
(To worship you say: "thanks be to God" do this 10+ minutes a day. Even say it 1000+ (or more, we do tens of thousands daily) times daily for great reward it takes 15 minutes.) If God can create the Sun which 1.3 million Earths can fit in he can make you experience a billion+ times an orgasm or whatever. Read this whole site for more ways how to worship. Why do people invest? To better their future. Likewise you can worship to better your next life. You should be eager to read this site all as it contains how to better your next life. Even if this site takes an hour to go through, this site and the information it contains is true productivity. You read a book for entertainment right? This site is worth more to you than a book.)
Imagine 3 million times the world filled with 9s; that number times an orgasm, cigarette, any food or pleasure. You get greater than that per 1 thanks God says!
Please believe and worship to save yourselves, I'm trying to save you please listen! Allah/God says: "Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise."
But being a believer doesn't save you. The Prophet fasted over 170x a year and prayed 50+x a day out of fear, read this whole site to help you. It really hurts to get burnt imagine it for a year straight! Buddha, Solomon, and monks go celibate. Would you go through this whole site to save yourself from getting shot? Hell is thousands of times worse!
A billionaire would give up everything just to live a life with a billion times whatever you want (the benefits to that life is you can get any food at an instant and experience the flavor times a billion or a billion times an orgasm for 30 minutes whenever FOREVER.) So see how lucky you are that you're blessed with this information because you get over 100x that in 2 seconds!? Keep reading all of it, don't let Satan win and stop you from your chance to shine and read this whole site!
We preach for the concept of God. Which God exists doesn't matter to us as we just believe in the God(s) if there are multiple. But God said in the Quran there's only 1 of him, and Islam is the most updated religion (all religions are right) and we get to proof the Quran is divine at the end of this site there are dozens of Quranic miracles that prove a human couldn't write it. What do monks worship? The true God, so we call to that.
I am just inviting you to God and it is your choice to accept or not :) You're not doing anything anyways (likely) so why not see this site all or later if you're busy?
These are 5+ proofs below that God exists:
Scroll below:
Points (proofs of God):
Point 1.
Don't just scroll off when God becomes clear to you. We still have to get to below how to special worship for billions times an orgasm for 30 minutes or whatever you want (if you want that read all of this site) and how to get blessing and sleep less than 1 hour.​​​
Or if life created itself, how did the 1 cell that created itself evolve into both a tiny ant and a huge elephant or other animals and trees/grass that are inanimate? How does something like life be so advanced to create itself but have needs like eating or using the bathroom?​​
For there is no camera that can beat the human eye, nor a computer that can compete with the human mind and if the whole world was to come together we couldn't create a single fly. So how do you think all this came from none, when it's simple, 0 + 0 + 0 cannot possibly ever equal 1. There is a creator and how did that creator create itself, it always existed.
Also stars are different colors. How can the big bang create multiple stars that are huge and some are blue/white and some yellow / orange. If the big bang created them, what began the big bang? What determines if a star is blue/white or yellow? See there's a bigger force out there that created them. Something can't come from nothing.
If the big bang didn't create water, and neither did life that created itself, what created water? If you think water created itself, it can't even communicate how can water create itself? Or the same for lava, rainbows, wood/leaves, or clouds?
Life evolved into two genders but evolution states 1 cell created itself so why did it split? Why did the 1 cell that created itself evolve into both a tiny ant and a huge elephant and inanimate things like grass or wood? 1 cell created itself and evolved into cats, the same can be said for dogs, trees, monkeys, etc. So everything had to of come from a unique cell but only Earth has life see how random that is? There are over a hundred new cells AND they each split to create male and female.
​Some refute God with all the suffering in the world but that is not right. God teaches he honors the person in the next life based on how much they suffered. Would you starve for 5 days for a million dollars? See God can give someone an adequate reward in the next life for suffering. And you don't suffer unless you prefer to for reward.
Read this site all to better your next life. We go over how to worship below it's not just saying "Thank God."
If you answer with "we just don't know" why refute me? God wants us to believe so he sent messengers. The answer is God, what proof do you have that says thats not the answer? Do you want to burn forever?
Watch this for 20 seconds:
Atheism debunked watch this:
Another proof is blessing from God we go over below more about it. Blessing from God is eating and sleeping less, actually eating a few bites a week for me and sleeping 30 minutes. Also blessing in shaving - us monks don't use water or shaving cream even on our private parts. Also we shave once and rely on God so our hair doesn't grow. Why do you think all monks are bald? All this and we still live as healthy as ever. That is a miracle. We show how in point 4 but read on first all of it. Anyone can get blessing. This is why monks dedicate their whole lives to God and worship for 12+ hours. We go more about blessing in point 4, and how you can get blessing and sleep and eat less, keep reading. Especially because we were normal before eating 2000 calories and sleeping 8-10 hours and getting tired if we slept 6. And now with blessing we eat a few bites a week and sleep 30 minutes we go over it below.
Please scroll below for important information like how to get blessing and how to worship.
Point 2.
Realize all your thoughts are not yours. God created demons to add to this test of life. These demons can whisper to you and are invisible to us as if they were visible it wouldn't be a test. The thought you're having of "yeah right, demons exist?" is a thought from them so you don't take them seriously and don't worship. Also the thought of you not wanting to believe so much is from them also. That's Satan trying to get you to click off so you don't worship. Think about it, you should desperately want to believe. You should require no proof and should believe because of that as there is no harm to believe. Why? Because millions times an orgasm in the next life and you won't experience 10x an orgasm in this life. That alone is worth over billions of dollars and you get more than that forever for believing and millions times it per worship! You should go over this site for your own benefit!
The thing that makes you want to have big proofs to believe is Satan. Don't let him win, he wants to keep you a disbeliever so you don't get rewarded and burn with him. Satan doesn't want us to worship either so he makes you lazier not to worship. Please see below how to worship and don't let him win. He hates humans as Satan was once in paradise, God created Adam and told Satan to bow to Adam. Satan refused and was kicked out so now he's butthurt at humans and wants them all as low as possible - please don't let him win. Have you ever heard the quote "the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he does not exist?" Please believe in Satan to beat him. He makes you not believe.
​He makes you lazy not to read this site, whispers "he sounds arrogant/stupid/writes long don't listen." Makes you sad if I potentially offend you, think: is your thoughts from you or the demon in you?
He also wants you lower. So Satan tells you "oh don't invest $5-$10 for ads you'll be broke." I don't want your money we have enough. Investing is purely for your benefit. We should take this seriously, you would give dawah (invitation to God) like a job 12 hours for 1 million dollars. I fly to other country's and set up ads to spread God's religion, take this seriously. Read this site all to see how. You would convert the whole world for a billion dollars. The reward of one invitation to God (dawah) is greater than the kingdom of the earth! How to convert the world? Create ads in all languages, use sites online to translate it, create a site like this even copy and paste it in each.
Please scroll below for how to special worship and better your next life in point 3.
Once I prove God you should be really scared to save yourself. Why? Because God says he burns people for sinning. Try putting your hand to a stove to simulate burning, God says the least punishment of hell is a million times that on your whole body FOREVER! I'm trying to save you, even killing a fly is a sin. Anything bad is a sin, don't sin to save yourselves! Do taqwa training - putting your hand near the stove turned on. Why I do this? It shows me the reality of hell. Also you should do as much deeds as you can to save yourself! Do invitation on below, worship, fast! Read this whole site to save yourself and the post it's all important! If you sin you lose one deed too so not only you save yourself from the fire, not sinning causes you to get more deeds and 1 deed is equal to millions times orgasm or whatever for eternity! Would you not kill someone if you lose a kingdom? What about killing a fly? It's more serious to lose 1 deed!
Satan gets you to do sins or tempts you because he wants you to go to hell. I'm trying to save you please listen!
Once you see this, you must be inclined to read this site all, read the post below, and dedicate to save yourself from Hell.
Watch this Hell difficulties:
​It makes sense as jinns (demons) are shape shifters so they were vampires, ghouls, the demons in the forest, the demons the Salem witch trials participants summoned. Or witches in medieval times were real.
The jinns know Allah exists and they hate him. The founders of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all prophets sent by Allah as the Quran says a messenger was sent to all nations. Proof of this is that the books of these religions all have miracles but the jinns corrupted them and added the elephant head in Hinduism for example.
Proof of jinns or Satans:
Another proof to prove he is not crazy and this is real:
If Satans exist God exists as they're supernatural shape shifting so what created them? Also we know the Quran or Islam is right as the Quran hurts these demons or jinns.
​How to protect yourself from Satans? The prophet said he who says in the morning and evening once: "There is no God but Allah, he with no partner, for him is the kingdom, and for him is praise and thanks, and he has power over all things" will be protected from Satan.
​God is so advanced he can give 100 million times an orgasm to infinity because watch this at 5:00 - 6:15:
So God added a verse 1400 years ago to align with Umar's thinking in the future. Allah can give infinity times an orgasm. So 100 million times an orgasm is possible in 1 second of worship, why not read this whole site to learn even better rewards and worship 4+ hours? Would you do it for $10000? But this is 100 million times whatever FOREVER we're talking about! Also if Allah can give a million times an orgasm, he can give a million times the feeling of burning yourself at the stove! And Allah says himself in the Quran he will burn us. I want to help please take this seriously! Read this whole site and worship hours a day to save yourself.
Imagine if you kill an ant you lose the millions times orgasm whenever life and go to hell forever.
ITS WORSE to do 1 bad thing!
I always tell people, is it better to work for the next 80 years (this life), or the next 80+ billion years (the next life)?
​Point 3.
If you want to learn how to make money from home and save hours working a day, read this whole site and the courses I took to become a multi millionaire and habits I did are below in the post!
See this point for how to get more in paradise.
All of this site is important so don't skip ahead. Dedicate 20+ more minutes to reading all this site and the post.
The one dua or how to special worship is "thanks be to God" worship is the best thing you can do. The Prophet said, “Shall I not tell you of the best of your deeds, which is the purest to your King, which raises you among your ranks, which is better for you than spending gold and money in charity, and which is better for you than meeting your enemy and striking the necks of each other?” They said, “Of course!” The Prophet said, “It is remembering God Almighty.” Do 500x+ one duas (it is remembering God) we do for 12+ hours. Think: if I got $10 per worship in quality, I would worship 1000x+ a day for 4 ish hours! If I got a $1000 once break fast I would fast everyday! Imagine a spouse 1 million times more beautiful than your spouse, and 1 million times the feeling of sex, and 1 million times the feeling of an orgasm you get that for eternity. You should be celibate, you get rewarded by God. Think like that to become ultra worshipers. If you got offended from being really cheap, it's Satan's plan don't listen to him he wants to stop you from worship and getting higher.
You can fast by only eating before 12 PM and after just drinking water and other beverages. If you want more reward take the fast more seriously, I fast by eating bites every couple days. Do this thrice+ a week, the more the better. To get blessing you have to worship a minimum of 4+ hours a day!
And imagine a house filled with salt. And one salt grain is taken every 20 years. You have lived for 20 or so years. So recall all your memories over the years and imagine all of that is just one salt grain. All the salt can be taken and you are still in paradise. Now imagine the country or more filled with salt. Or the world/more. You should be eager to read this whole site as it contains how to better your eternal hereafter in the posts below. All your memories times a 100 is just 2000-3000 years. That is all your memories a hundred times over. Times a 100 again is 5000 years. Times a 100 again is 7500 years. Imagine a million, that's like eternity. Now times a million by 10,000 and that's a trillion. A trillion is a 0 to eternity and you're in the next life for eternity. Shouldn't we become monks, and dedicate this life at just ~80 years for the next life? Worship hours a day, fast as we get to below.
Buddha worshiped 18 hours and Solomon 20 hours. What gave them the inclination to worship so much? God. Also monks worship 8-16 hours. Satan tells you "maybe God doesn't like worship" to mess you up. Don't listen to him.
Don't look away to worship God just yet, we will get into more ways to special worship it and blessing and sleeping 30 minutes or less.
Reading this site is more beneficial to you than worship because in the 40 minutes it takes reading this you can learn knowledge that helps you for life.
What about the universe filled with salt while it is 150 billion light years big and 1 light year is 6 trillion miles which is hundreds of thousands times around Earth and each salt counts as 50 years you live that long in the next life! You can get the universe filled with salt times whatever you want for an hour of worship (and each salt counts as 1 billion+). Whatever you want like an orgasm for 30 minutes times that number or more or any food at an instant, even better life than a king! So just worship an hour + a day for your life and that is 365 universes times whatever you want a year!
Remember God is infinite so if you say worship 100 times you get 2x the universe filled with salt and say it 1000 times you get 10x the universe filled with salt. Maybe you think one universe is enough but we bring up the $500 an hour thing to show it is hypocritical of me, no offence, to be lazy (it's Satan's plan) and only worship once while if I made $500 an hour I would keep working. I'm only trying to help sorry. God can do anything so he can make you experience a million times whatever you want like an orgasm for 30 minutes or more (that number times an orgasm, the universe filled with 9s).
Also God told the Prophet to prostrate a lot and Solomon worshiped 20 hours but prostrated 5 minutes! Buddha worshiped 18 hours but was too arrogant to prostrate. God says 2-5 minutes is great try that and be better than Buddha! Try 10+ minutes saying 1 dua! God says 1 second of prostrating is like 20 hours of worship but don't prostrate for a minute and never worship again because you can always have more. If you got 1 million dollars for prostrating 1 second would you only prostrate 10 seconds? $10 million dollars is enough to live but you always want more.
You get better life than a king saying one dua in a couple seconds!
You should take worship/donate as serious as you made 1 million dollars per 1 dua. In actuality it is like you get millions of universes big per 1 dua while infinity times whatever you want is a bacteria. Imagine that, billionaires would give up everything to have just infinity times whatever you want for eternity.
You actually get the unimaginable each time you say one dua! Try for 5000+ a day in quality.
I spend 8 years of schooling to get a job that pays a measly 100k a year yet you can say 1 one dua in 5-10 seconds and it's worth over a billion dollars as billions times an orgasm feeling forever whenever is worth more than all the money in the world! You can convert millions with what I taught you, why not? Those millions say 1 dua 100x, that's 100 million 1 duas for you daily passively! This is what we should spend our time for, the eternal hereafter. If you get a million times an orgasm per second worship, 1 help = 1000 months (a help equals to 1000 months of worship the Prophet said below) or 1 trillion seconds of worship times million = that number times whatever like all pleasures orgasm, sex, beauty of spouse, alcohol, favorite foods, etc. And from hadiths (sayings of the prophet) you get same reward you teach for so 100 million 1 duas for you DAILY!
Small hadith miracle to prove these sayings:
​Ibn Abass heard the above from the Prophet.
And here's a short miracle of Quran to prove these hadith are truly divine:
The Prophet said, "The one who eats gratefully is like one who fasts patiently" so say, "Thank you for the food" before every meal and it's like you fast 3 or more times a day!
The Prophet said: “The people most beloved to God are those who are most beneficial to the people. To help a believer is like a thousand months of worship in my masjid (place of worship)."
If dawah (invitation to God) helps new believer for every deed they do you get same reward + thousand months of worship, so if they say dhikr (remembrance like thank God) 300 times you get 300 x 1000 months of worship daily passively while you sleep. For 1 second of worship, you actually get the unimaginable like God says in the hadith in paradise there's things a mind can't imagine. Anyways you get a house filled with 9s times an orgasm, cigarette, alcohol, drugs, etc FOREVER meaning over 10s of thousands of years per second worship! Now the 1000 months hadith, 1000 months is over 2.5 billion seconds times a house filled with 9s per help forever! Now what about auto dawah? Getting 60k+ people to convert so it helps them while doing nothing? You can do that for $20! Would you donate $20 for a kingdom? You get more than that per 1 dawah!
We run Facebook ads to this site. That's 50k helps per $10 and if 10% convert (from our experience 20% of site visitors convert and worship) and worship that's 1500 x 100 thank Gods a day so 300 million months of worship for life PER DAY! You would be homeless for 1 dawah, would you go homeless for a billion kingdoms and never die and get whatever you want at an instant? The reward of 1 dawah is better andFacebook gets you 5 dawahs per dollar! Donate to us and we'll use your money for good! If you don't trust us, here are traffic sources and you can run ads yourself and copy this site and make your own with wix:
Drive up to 500 million visitors with Taboola:
\This is simple, just input the site and send 15k visitors or more for $5! Use this site:
Now the Prophet said it's all about intention. What does that mean? Those 15k you send to our site, all would converts and worship minimum 1k times a day. That's what God rewards you. God says a Muslim life is more sacred than the kaaba the holiest place in the world and saving a life is like you saved all mankind in Quran. Also the ink of a scholar is better than the blood of a martyr and the site teaches how to be a scholar so imagine making dozens of scholars a day! Imagine making new Muslims on autopilot while 1 Muslim is more important than the holiest place and saving people from hell forever is more important than saving lives. For $5! This site makes 15% of visitors into scholars, dozens of scholars AUTOMATICALLY made a day?! Imagine the reward, so dedicate!
Hurry up! The website is raising its prices this month!
The site has a limit it can only reach about 3 million people a month so for more results donate to us any amount even $5. You get double the reward, 1 for dawah, 1 for raising us.
Now reward of dawah? If you convert 100 people through my site, 20% worship 5 minutes a day, that's 300 seconds times world filled with 9s passively daily per convert! Now you get that + lowest man life FOREVER! Satan doesn't want you doing dawah he says "oh hes younger/disabled/sick don't listen" don't listen to him he's your enemy. Dawah is the deed of the Prophets imagine the reward for dawah! Would you do dawah for a kingdom? You get more per 1 dawah!
​​​Email us and we'll teach you for free how to make Facebook ads or other traffic sources to get hundreds of auto dawahs for the price of a couple McDonalds! Our email is Or donate to us and we'll do the work foryou and you get double the reward, 1 reward for dawah, 1 reward for raising us! We don't use a professional email since we're rich because it's a waste of money. We can convert thousands instead.
God said he would care a lot about helpers, God wouldn't like worship again for things that help people in the next life like dawah. God loves worship more than if you won a million dollars God says.
To provide an analogy on how advanced Allah is: Allah made my friend, nezar, forget the past 9 minutes and 36 seconds as Allah knew I would talk to nezar in 10 minutes addressing those 9 minutes and 36 seconds so nezar wouldn't know what I am talking about.
That is all all knowing, Allah knows everything at the same time. How many atoms are in the houses just in my city, all cities the same, etc.
All apps in my phone, everything about them, when they were made, how many developers made the app, etc. All at once.
He is this advanced
Ruben watch this:
So that is how advanced you'll be in paradise!
So he gave Ruben the inclination to ask for signs before he got to the sign verse and the verses were added 1400 years ago.
And that's what a mind can imagine! Allah says what a mind can imagine is an atom in size comparson - the reward for 1 thank God is greater than the world! Now reward of dawah? 100 minutes of worship or more, passively daily per $5 you dedicate! Check it out at!
You actually get greater than the world past what a mind can think per worship, in size comparison, and a bacteria is infinity times whatever you want. What's past infinity? Gods reward! According to the same reward hadith you get the same reward as all you convert, so if you pay $20 a month, 1k convert and worship each month so you get around 100000 times the world of reward EACH day passively and a bacteria is infinity times whatever you want! For $20!
And the site teaches them to do dawah so you convert the whole world for $100 a month! If you send 15k, all would dedicate average $50 a month, you get the reward of 1k dawahs a day for converting one person! So in total the reward of 75k dawahs a day PER $100!
We always want more money why do billionaires still work but the minimum for 15k dawahs is $5. You don't have to give the minimum, don't listen to Satan. Give 10% or more a month! If you don't trust our organization do it yourself at
​This shows how big the universe is:
Real reward: infinity times whatever is a bacteria in size comparison, reward of a second of worship with bad intention meaning like "f you god" is millions times world big God says.
What about auto 15k helps for $5?! Just donate $5! The most beloved deed to God is to help a believer so imagine you help thousands what reward!
I started doing dawah as Allah showed me a dream of hell and I was being burned. Please I want to save you, dawah is a greatly rewarding thing and you get 500 dawahs for $20! You save 500 people and yourself! Please dedicate.
God says 1000 dawahs vs. building an orphanage, 1000 dawahs is better. Get 15x that for $5 on
Allah says saving a life is like you saved all mankind in the Quran and the Prophet says a Muslims life is more sacred than the Kaaba so imagine saving Muslims lives! My site teaches how by sponsoring orphans and 15% of visitors read it. I've already collected over $500 so this works. The reward for the morning prayer is greater than the world so imagine the reward for this!
For one 1 dua you get 50+ billion deeds, if you convert 100 people to say it 100x+ daily? You get 10k times 50 billion deeds and you do nothing! You can do this for $20! Donate to us and we'll do it for you or do it yourself.
If you don't want to give up your card, we can do it for you. Click the button below and send us ONLY $5, if Satans whispers we're trying to scam you, running this site costs hundreds a month we lose money as only 5+ people give $5. If you can't click the button PayPal
This is worth over a trillion dollars! Why? Because money is just a number in the bank, you can't do anything more with 7 million or 7 billion you still wake at 7 to go work like a minimum wage employee.
But deeds are really something, think of 1 million times the flavor of your favorite food or an orgasm. Like 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 not 3 1s so likewise a million times an orgasm is a million multiplied by the feeling.
Allah says there's things a mind can't imagine in jannah...
That means the lowest reward is what a mind can imagine and we get that from the hadith, the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
It's a long hadith but basically the last man to enter jannah or paradise is rewarded whatever a mind can imagine and Allah says he gets the reward equivalent to a prison in the next life but here is his life:
Imagine you are king of the world with your castle at top and your perfect spouse or spouses along you. A perfect spouse is someone made for you they look and act how you want but not a robot. Aisha was the prophets pbuh perfect spouse.
You can have whatever you want at an instant. Imagine you're craving an ice cream sundae, you get that. Flavor times millions.
There is no getting older, tired, no bathing, bathroom, Shaving, cutting nails, sleep etc.
There are rivers of honey, wine, and milk as the Quran says.
You live with your loved ones or the entire world.
Now that seems great? Actually what a mind can imagine includes multipliers and ultra thinking;
What is Ultra thinking, well let's say the last man is named Josh, Josh is so advanced he knows the next 50000 duas all 8 billion of us are going to say and the answer to them! He knows every possible thing and thought, like all youtube videos at the same time.
Now what are multipliers? Well think of 10x a cheeseburger or 100x, 1000x, 1 million times. Now any food at an instant times 1 million. Now a cigarette or any pleasure, gambling alcohol wine food sex orgasm how beautiful your spouse is times 1 million.
Now that's just 1 million! If 1 million is a grain of sand, and fill a house with sand and all of them added up, that's a 0 to infinity. Now imagine a park filled a mile high with sand and each sand counts as that number a house filled with 9s, still a 0. Fill the whole city with sand and each sand is 1 million that's a 0, fill the whole country with sand that's a 0, fill the world a mile high with sand and each sand counts as that number a house filled with 9s times whatever you want THAT'S A ZERO.
Now millions times the world filled with sand is less than 0.00000001% of the universe. The universe is 100 billion light years big and 1 light year is 6 trillion miles or hundreds of thousands of times around the earth. Now imagine the whole universe filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million times whatever you want like a 30 minute long orgasm or a spouse that number times more beautiful see the benefits of the hoor al ayn (the women of paradise) guys and men for the sisters.
And plus infinity times whatever you want, a mind can imagine that you go into any world you want like League of Legends play it in real or dragon ball z, Naruto, one piece, Call of duty, pubg, sword art online, greed Island from hunter x hunter, mario Kart, smash brawl, 2k NBA, fifa, pokemon etc. Imagine a restaurant with a pool in the middle with fish, you can go fishing. Imagine the restaurant on a mountain with a nice view. You and your loved ones are sitting on the outskirts and can order any food. The flavor times a 100,000, million, that number (the earth filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million). After eating you can leave the restaurant and play beach volleyball and etc. That is 1 world, Allah can make infinity worlds you can experience as lowest man, that's over a park filled with 9s number! Another world is imagine a zoo of dinosaurs in the jungle you your perfect spouse and loved ones go and sight see and do a picnic. That's 2 worlds, Allah can make over billions!
And finally, imagine all your memories, the 20, 30, 50 years you've been living, seem long right? Well imagine that as 1 sand and fill a house with sand, 0 to forever. Now imagine a million years. All your memories times 1000, that's like forever times 1000 once but in total its like 20000. That's not even 5% of a million and the next life is over a million times a million years! See why we should dedicate ourselves to God. Now 1 million years is a sand, fill the earth with sand Still 0 to eternity. Millions times that still a 0. The universe filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million years Still a 0.
And again, that's the lowest man or the prison in the next life!
If you're doubting if Allah can give the lowest man life, here is 6 proofs he can:
- first is Allah says be and it is from the Quran, basically he just said "be" and the universe was created, he can just say be and you get infinity
- second is star size comparison videos you can fit 1.3 million Earths in the sun and 1.3 million suns in another star called Betelgeuse. If Allah can create the whole universe filled with hundreds of trillions of stars bigger than this by saying be can't he do infinity times whatever forever?
- third is there's a hadith the reward of the (voluntary morning prayer) sunnah to fajr is greater than the whole earth and all it contains. What is greater than that? Not material like gold or money because you already get all the materials. At minimum it's a multiplier.
- fourth is the dead goat hadith like earth...
So the prophet was walking with his companions and picked a dead ugly goat and asked who would take it off him. None wanted it. The Prophet said verily the whole earth and all it contains is like this ugly goat in Allah's eyes
- fifth is Allah says there is what no mind has ever imagined in jannah or paradise meaning a mind can imagine material like gold so the reward is past that
- Sixth if you dont believe hadith Quran says you get what you want in jannah so lowest life
Working for your next life is real productivity. What is productivity? It's getting closer to achieving your goals. The real goal is getting infinity times reward and you get greater than the world filled with 9s times everything per second worship! To get closer to that infinity times whatever FOREVER you need worship/donate/fast/dawah. Also 1000 months of seconds or 10+ billion for 1 help! And for one dawah you get millions of deeds, 15x that for $5!
Watch this for proof you get the above:
No offence I'm trying to help but you spend your whole life for 30-100k a year. This is what I thought to become a monk dedicating my life to God. Think about it, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd-12th grade, 4-12 years university and maybe more (med school). All to work a 9-5 for your whole life getting max 200-300k a year. I was like this too, but it really took me not long to figure out I spend 8+ hours a day for 20+ years to get a good paying job but one 1 dua is worth more than the whole world and all it contains Allah said!
Basically our point is you are not doing anything anyways so don't listen to Satan and read this whole site! And the hereafter is eternal (over a trillion years, million times million remember the house sand 20 years analogy, that isn't even a trillion!), while this life is 50 years after schooling but we always want more or a good job no matter how long it takes! We are trying to help not seem smart. This is why monks are monks, they realize the real priority and what we should work for is the hereafter, you realize it too. It's why me and my friends dropped out of school.
You get the lowest man life if you go to paradise and you get burned a million times the stove if you go to hell. Sins take you to hell, see why the sahaba (companions of the Prophet) were scared to sin? You should be scared to sin, think if something is wrong it's a sin. See why you should take this seriously as the lowest man life forever is worth more than $100 trillion. Never sin and worship for hours. So what should you do? You should read this whole site and the post below to get information you surely don't know!
Here is the Easter egg:
Email your name after reading this to be entered into a $10,000 giveaway! There's only 10 prizes remaining read this site all and the post to secure it! Keep reading for more entries! I don't buy a professional email as that wastes money I can use to spread God's religion.
(2x entries if you invest within 2 weeks and send picture to our email) 3x entries and hidden prizes in the post "Why to dedicate to God" below! If enough people do dawah and send it to us, we'll do another giveaway of $10,000 to 10 people!
More entries if you share this site. Just copy this message below and send it to contacts or print it and pass out the flyer at malls or large people gatherings. Or post the message to Reddit, Youtube Trending, Facebook groups and Instagram. First post the message above for dawah rewards! For every 100 people you share this message with, we'll sponsor an orphan!
The message is here:
Hi imagine millions times the flavor of your favorite foods or an orgasm. I found this site that teaches you how to get that for FREE! A million multiplied by the feeling not a million orgasms.
Check the site all, my company is doing a $10,000 cash giveaway on it! It is:
Post this message on Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram as you would do it for a $100 per post but you get minimum millions times whatever forever per post! Do it for hours a day like us!
Our company is sending money to all who get 100k views or more on their own site. Send the proof to and we send 1k per 10k views! For the first 15 to take up this offer, we're sending 3x the cash!
The Prophet learned from God that the voluntary morning prayer - takes 2 minutes but is rewarded like the whole world and everything in it! Learn to pray below in the post click it and read!
If you want to dedicate to us to do auto dawah you get rewarded greatly and it's only $5 don't listen to Satan telling you you need it! If 50 of your converts act on above you get 50 worlds daily passively! Check out or donate below!
Here is another dawah benefit:
"That day" means the day of judgment in Islam. The sun is a mile from us for 50,000 years and we are naked and being judged. The video proves that if you do dawah you're among the ones that skip the day of judgment. But you have to get at least 100k dawahs to be safe. Only $5 or more, even donate to us via PayPal if you don't trust the site!