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Why To Dedicate To God

Updated: 7 hours ago

If blessing doesn't work for you in sleep, keep trying! Sometimes it doesn't work for me.

We introduce a way to get billions of passive deeds and become super Muslim, see this site after you read this post!

Imagine paradise is like the lowest man reward no multipliers but for each second worship you get million times multiplier For whatever! 1000 months of thank gods for 1 help (500 trillion + thank gods!)

For auto dawah it's even better each dawah intention so the reach is a help so for 50$ paying Facebook ads to this site I got 5000 x 500 trillion x 1 million = number times orgasm, sex, beauty of wife etc

Even dedicate 20$ a month you get rewarded greatly!

If you think there's nothing past infinity as the lowest man is the highest possible, the thing is Allah says in the authentic hadith that jannah (paradise) has what a mind cant imagine verified by Imam mardini.

A hadith is of a guy that needs 1 deed to go to jannah on the Day of judgement. He gets 1 deed from a person. Why I bring this up: I believe he's the lowest man to enter paradise as he is the lowest literally with 1 deed. That means 1 deed is worth the lowest man life!

1 thank God you get 10 deeds. That's 10 planet kingdoms times whatever you want for a saying that takes 2 seconds.

Another hadith (saying of the prophet) is that the voluntary morning prayer takes 2 minutes but is rewarded like the whole world and all it contains!

We spend 20-30 years (8 hours school + university) for 5k a month job all our lives working

What would you spend for kingdom of the world and financial freedom meaning you live for eternity dont work... praying 2 mins morning prayer you get that! Email us to learn how to pray

If you say the 1 dua 100x a day but get tired/lazy it is Satan's plan he doesn't want you saying it. See doesn't that prove God exists/our religion is right because it is saying words why you get lazy saying it? Also if Satan exists God exists as Satan is supernatural so what created him? Also our religion is right as Satan stops you from doing things for our religion.

We recommend you download a Quran app. Why? Because the Prophet peace be upon him said if you read the Quran each letter you read is 10 deeds even the English translation or whatever language. 1 deed is greater than the kingdom of the earth so you get 10 times that per letter! There's millions of letters in the Quran, try to read it 10-30+ minutes a day and you get so many kingdoms.

You should make an Instagram theme page like us and have the same bio as ours @islamicrebound. We got 130k page visits in the last 30 days and there is a hadith it's all about intention so thats the intention to turn 130k people into dawah givers so imagine the reward for you! Allah says there's an infinite possibility for reward so even if you do dawah 24/7 for 10 years you still get fairly rewarded! Imagine you get a million dollars per dawah intention, you get more! Thats over 130k dawah intentions a month on autopilot!

We want to introduce what we call the 2 dua: it is "oh God please forgive and bless everything." The benefits of it is it helps all humans so there has been a 100 billion. That is 100 billion times 1000 months of worwship we will get into for saying it once! Now I've gotten 400 people to say it 100x a day, that is 40k times 100 billion times 1000 months reward for me each day! I'm not saying to brag but help. Around 5% of site users read this post and if they take 40+ minutes to get to this post at least 90% of them would worship 100x a day or more. If you dedicate $100 a month to auto dawah you will get similar results in a year! If you get a million times what you want per thank god, the reward for 2 dua is 1000 months of thank Gods or 6 trillion hours of quality worship Allah says so that number times an orgasm or whatever for eternity! That's 6 trillion hours worth of thank God so 1 million times however many thank Gods are in 1000 months let's just say 1 billion. That's per 2 dua, 1 million times 1 billion number times whatever like orgasm, sex, how beautiful your wife is, alcohol, cigars, etc. That's per 2 dua! And you or the people you teach can say the 2 dua 1 million+ times still a 0 to eternity. Hadiths are below read them please. We want to say, we both get rewarded if you dedicate money to dawah as it's your money so we wouldn't convert anyone without you.

To get back to the main point:

Of course this is your own choice but we bring it up to help.

If dawah (invitation to God) help new believer for every deed they do you get thousand months of worship, so if they say dhikr (1 dua) 200-300 times: we are getting 1000+ people that do the dhikr so that's like 2 million (1000 x 200) months of worship added to my scale every day passively! You can do it too, do invitation 1 hour a day for a year! We provided the message, copy and paste it.

You see, imagine you just get a million times whatever you want per second of worship. This is better life than king of the world in 1 second! See why your time is important?

Now if you convert 1k worshipers (the message posted 1 hour a day to Reddit for a year got 1k convert worshipers we know this as we can see how many people come from Reddit and a thousand came) the message says to visit the site to learn how to worship more so those 1000 are good worshipers (100 remembrances a day+)

We want to introduce what we call auto invitation. $1 reaches 5 people on Facebook ads so if you dedicate 20+ a month you get the reward of 100 dawah intentions! We dedicate 90% of or income to this as money is meant to be spent and won't be taken with you once you die but deeds will. If you get a million times an orgasm for helping, you get more than a stadium filled with 9s per dawah intention and not accounting for the recurring deeds you get (if a convert fasts 100 times over their life you get same reward). Email us at if you want to dedicate, I suggest $100+ a month treat it like a bill, you spend more on insurance.

PayPal if you want to dedicate for dawah even $10-$20 or cash app $mnassif14

These are hadiths or saying of the Prophet about the benefits of dawah, helping others, etc:


“O Messenger of God, which of the people are most beloved to God, and which deeds are most beloved to God?”

The Prophet said: “The people most beloved to God are those who are most beneficial to the people. To help a believer is like a thousand months of worship in my masjid."

If dawah help new believer for every deed they do you get same reward + thousand months of worship, so if they say dhikr (remembrance like thank God) 300 times you get 300 x 1000 months of worship daily passively while you sleep


Abu Darda reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Nothing is heavier upon the scale of a believer on the Day of Resurrection than his good character. Verily, God hates the vulgar and obscene.”

Grade: Sahih (authentic) 

Its good character to benefit people dawah


Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By Allah, that Allah guides a man through you is better for you than a herd of expensive red camels.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2847, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2406

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

A red camel is like a red ferrari so like $10 mil to convert someone


Whoever intends to perform a good deed but does not do it, then Allah will record it as a complete good deed. If he intends to do it and does so, then Allah the Exalted will record it as ten good deeds up to seven hundred times as much or even more.

Source: Sahih Bukhari 6126, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi


Abu Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1893

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim


Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3321, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2245

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Ibn al-Qayyim said, “If Allah Almighty had forgiven one who gave water to a dog suffering from extreme thirst, then how about one who relieves the thirst, satisfies the hunger, and clothes the naked among the Muslims?”

Source: ‘Uddat al-Ṣābirīn 1/253

What about one who guides people, it helps them for eternity in the next life. Think of the reward for it, God told all 124,000 prophets to do it

So we say there's a guy called person A. He goes to the site and worships thousands of times a day, fasts thrice a week, does dawah as the site gives a message to do dawah with and he does dawah 10+ minutes a day, and does 1 min of sujud or prostration a day.

Imagine 100 person As, 5% of converts turn into person As We know that from our experience 300 out of 7500 turned person As so 5% visited our post at the end of the site and we can see how O w many people saw the post. The site takes 40 minutes to read it all so if they get to the post they (90%) are good worshippers.

That is reward for you 1000 months each time they worship, fast, and the dawah message teaches say thank God 300 times a day if they get 10 converts a day that's 3000 helps for you too! In total 1 person A makes you millions of months of worship a day!

Again my site is investing it's not donating.

There is a hadith people would crawl to pray the morning prayer in the mosque. Also another hadith the reward of the sunnah prayer to fajr is like the whole world and all in it! If i got a billion to pray i would always pray. Imagine the reward of dawah! Allah told all prophets to give it not pray and he would tell them the best thing so it is the best deed!

Salam and may you do all and get rewarded!

The site teaches this:

Ubadah ibn al-Samit reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and women, Allah will record a good deed for him by each man and woman.”

Source: Musnad al-Shāmīyīn 2118

Grade: Jayyid (very good) according to Al-Haythami

So they get 50+ billion deeds for saying the 1 dua once abd you too. Now if the 390 people who have gone through the site entirely are saying it 100x each? That's 30k 1 duas for me ob autopilot.

And what qayyim said, but raising everyone? See the massive reward?

We call it the 2 dua, say "Oh God please forgive and bless everything" 100-300x a day. Even say it as a constant saying, while you're driving or walking it counts!

Here are the benefits to the 1 dua:


Whoever intends to perform a good deed but does not do it, then Allah will record it as a complete good deed. If he intends to do it and does so, then Allah the Exalted will record it as ten good deeds up to seven hundred times as much or even more.

Source: Sahih Bukhari 6126, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi

So if you say the supplication once, you get the reward of 1 deed that is greater than a million dollars!

Try for thousands a day! Or even 100-300x+!

Imagine 100x an orgasm, now 1000x, now 1 million. Even if 1 million is a sand and fill a park with sand, 0 to that number:

A house filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million times whatever you want. Now millions times the house is 5% of Earth. Imagine the earth filled with sand and each sand counts as a million. Now millions times that is less than 0.00000001% of the universe. The universe is 150 billion light years and 1 light year is 6 trillion miles or 100,000 times around Earth.

Infinity analogy or that number, imagine the universe filled with sand and each sand 1 that number (universe filled with 9s) to the power of itself every nano second for the next trillion years

(count on your fingers the 1 dua to get 300+, count 5 on one hand and 1 on the other, then when you finish the 5 count 2 on the other hand and so on.)

A house filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million times whatever you want. Now millions times the house is 5% of Earth. Imagine the earth filled with sand and each sand counts as a million. Now millions times that is less than 0.00000001% of the universe. The universe is 150 billion light years and 1 light year is 6 trillion miles or 100,000 times around Earth.

Infinity analogy or that number, imagine the universe filled with sand and each sand 1 that number (universe filled with 9s) to the power of itself every nano second for the next trillion years

(count on your fingers the 1 dua to get 300+, count 5 on one hand and 1 on the other, then when you finish the 5 count 2 on the other hand and so on.)

And dawah (invitation to God) is the most rewarding thing it's like quintillions times worship!

And you get more than that number times whatever you want for every second of dhikr or remembrance you do. If you think that's too good to be true, look at star size comparison videos. God made a star as big as the sun, 1.3 million Earths can fit inside it. And another star called Betelgeuse, over a million SUNs can fit inside it. If God can create these big creations, can't he make you experience infinity times whatever you want? There is a saying of the prophet that in paradise there are things a mind can't imagine. That means the lowest (aka shitty) reward is what a mind can imagine and a mind can imagine infinity times whatever you want and the ability to go in any world and be all, all knowing (knowing the next 50k words im gonna say and all 7 billion people at the same time, knowing everything you can think of at the same time.) A mind can imagine infinity (imagine the universe filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 that number (the universe filled with 9s). That;s a 0 to infinity. You get that times whatever you want (an orgasm 30 minutes, any food at an instant, etc) per thank God.

Think about it, you get better life than a king for saying a couple words (the worship)! Your time is really important!

Whatever you want like all the pleasures, alcohol, sex, orgasm, cigarettes, music, any food you want at an instant, feeling of happiness etc.

Also the next life is eternal, remember the 20 years sand house analogy?

So the minimum reward in paradise God says it is what a mind can imagine, a mind can imagine the above. You get more than what a mind cant imagine each second you worship!

It's never enough the reward of deeds. Imagine you're eternally hungry and always crtaving cinnabons. Now imagine you get a cinnabon for worship. You can never have enough cinnabons! If you get that number per second of worship, 10x seconds is nothing like 11x seconds and you get 11 for just 1 second more! That's why your time is really important. How time is meant to be looked at: imagine I gave you 10 minutes and everytime you said the 1 dua you get a million dollars. That is the best analogy for time. Instead of 10 minutes you avwe 60+ years and instead of 1 million $ you get God's reward.

And you get more than that number times whatever you want for every second of worship you do (the 5 worships, prostration, 1 dua, invitation to God, donating, and fasting)! But the reward for invitation to God is best. Do 10+ minutes we provided the message above! Each time the convert worshiper says the 1 dua you get rewarded 1000 months of worship. In January I got 35 convert worshipers. That is 35 x 1000 = 3500+ 1 duas daily or 3.5 mil months of worship passively added to my scale meaning while I sleep! After only 1 month! Post 10+ minutes a day for years!

If you run Ad $100 you get 700 clicks ($1 reaches 7 people on fb ads) from our experience and the thousands that visited this site, around 20-25% worship so over 100 worshippers!

= 20k 1 dua passively daily! That's 100 x the 200 1 duas daily we teach so 20k a day FOREVER!

And 1 dua greater than house filled with 9s times whatever you want like cigarette

Imagine 20k duas passively daily meaning you do nothing! That's why we dedicate thousands a month - 90% of our income. Email us to run ads -

Below are the reasons you should dedicate your money and time towards God. This means even building/funding temples, donating, etc.

Use your money to raise you it is just sitting around. 1 dua is rewarded like the whole world filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million is a 0 to infinity and 1 thank God is rewarded more than infinity times whatever you want!

Now imagine us, we got 400 people to read this site fully. If they are doing the minimum of 100 1 duas (it takes 5 minutes) I am getting 40k 1 duas a day passively and that is times 1000 = 40 million months of worship every day passively meaning while I sleep! We are not saying this to brag but help. You can get similar results if you post even 1 hour a day of the message above. Download the app Reddit, create an account, go to the Popular page and go to recent 12h or less posts and reply to people the message. When the cooldown stops you for 20-50 minutes, set a timer for how long it stopped you and when the timer is up do spamming replies again! Also you can search up on Google youtube trending and go to the trending page and click the trending videos , and reply to peoples comments (this is important so they see it, don't comment on the video no one will see it). Also join a facebook group and reply to people the message. Also download Instagram, create an account, and reply on the search tab and trending posts reply the message (not all of it but it's ok just leave it).

And God says there is an infinite possibility for reward so you can never have enough reward. 40 million months of worship is nothing like 50. So each 1 dua counts even after a billion+.

So what can you use your money to benefit you? Donate ads to this site / copy this site and create your own. Invitation to God has great reward so try it!

If you dedicate your money to run ads to this site, say you get 70 visitors and 7 convert worshipers saying the 1 dua only 10x (after $10 spent on ads). That is 70x helps aka 70 x 1000 months of worship after 1 day added to your scale passively meaning while you sleep auto deeds! After 1 year 18k 1 duas added to your scale you taught so 18k x 1000 over 18 million months of worship for you daily while you sleep! See the massive reward for dawah (invitation to God). Even post 20 minutes a day the message above you get 3 reach a minute or 60 reach and we get 10% of converts so you get 6 a day and if one worships that is 30+ 1 duas for you daily or 30k months of worship while you sleep! You can also dedicate ads to this site, $1 reaches 7 people so $100 reaches 700 people and if 2% convert and worship that is 14 worshipers so over 1k duas added to your scale daily for $100 a month! That is billions of months after a year! That is 50 visitors or $10 a day running ads. If you won't do ads, copy and paste the message above for 20 minutes a day and get smaller results but after a month that is 100~ convert worshipers to your scale every month!

If you get the thought "oh 5 converts is enough stop spending" that is Satan don't listen to him he wants you as low as possible.

If you don't want to dedicate your money to run ads to this site, donate then. We suggest dedicating your money to God as it raises you.

But spending your money to guide people is still better, say you dedicate just $10 a day to ads. you get 50 visitors and 25 converts and 5 convert worshipers. That is 5 x 10 minimum one duas = 50 1 duas a day! That is 18k+ 1 duas a day after a year!

We say this but invitation to God is still better.

So if your convert sends the message we have to Reddit 10 minutes a day, say they get 1-5 converts. That's 5 universes filled with 9s times whatever you want added passively to your account. So how about after a year of them posting? That's 365-1500 times universes added to your account even if it's the converts you get.

If I got $100 per worship I would easily say 1 dua 1000 times +. You also get rewarded for each $1 you spend in God's way by helping people in the next life (ex. running ads to this site or donating to mosques/temples or building one). You get much more in reality. The times whatever you want is just an analogy, in reality you get a lot more. It's God's reward, unimaginable.

That is why we spend all our spare income towards God. We suggest you too, but pay for helping others in the next life as helping someone in this life lowers them. It is better for you to spend helping others in the next life (donating ads to this site or helping build temples/mosques). If you decide not to help feed others as it lowers them, you get rewarded more. Instead, to really help the people, just say the special worship 500+ times or donate to run ads to this site by emailing us.

Why not fast everyday? That's what we do. We fast from noon to dawn, we eat at like 10 am once for the day then just don't eat for the rest of the day. We sometimes drink water or eat a bit if we are hungry. That's how all us monks fast. Buddha fasted 5 days a week and wish he fasted more when he saw the reward for fasting.

The Prophet said each fast moves you up in paradise the amount of distance traveled in 70 years. Also he said there is no equal to fasting (in general) so even 1 million hours of worship (again thanks God not 1 dua) there is no equal to fasting.

To the people that want to please God for all the blessings he gave us, the Prophet said the breath of a fasting person is like the scent of musk in God's eyes. Also in the hadith al qudsi which means God said it through the Prophet, God says, "I reward all deeds by 10-700+ times except for fasting, it is for me and I will reward for it."

These 4 sayings are the reason we fast everyday.

Also human history in total has only been 3000~ years. Think how long is a million. Even human history times a hundred is only 300,000 years. All your memories are just 25~ years. Times a 100 is 2500 years. Times a 100 again is 5000 years. Again 7500 years. Think how long is a million. The next life is over a trillion, that's 10,000 times a million. Shouldn't we dedicate this life at only 80~ years (20 years of free time) for the next life which is over 1 million times a trillion years.

If you dedicate just $5 a day to running ads to this site, you get rewarded for over 12k link clicks to this site after 1 year. If say 100 convert and just say the worship 100 times (it takes 5 minutes), that's 10k worships added to your account completely passively. Doesn't include the fasts they do or donate.

We run Facebook ads to this site and advertise it on Reddit. In total, we have gotten 7000 people to view this site and have gotten over 100 to read it all + this post. That means we have gotten thousands of converts and worshipers. Even if we have gotten 10 people to say the 1 dua 100 times, that's 1000 worships added to my account completely passively. And if we have gotten 10 people to fast twice a week, that's 20 fasts added to my account and I do nothing. In total though really we have easily gotten at least a 100 to be good worshipers. That's 10k 1 duas a day and 200 fasts a week added to my account.

Imagine you get a million times whatever you want per meal / drink you donate. That's a million times an orgasm for 30+ minutes or whatever food you want at an instant and the flavor times that number. That number is a number dedicated to how much you donate / worship. This is just an analogy you actually get the unimaginable for worshiping God / donating but we bring up this analogy to help the people.

But better to spend your money on invitation to God as you get rewarded more. We got over 250 people to read this site fully meaning we get over 25k one duas added to our scale daily even while we sleep auto deeds. And not to mention other worships like donating, prostration, and fasting / invitation to God. But thanking God is still the best thing.

We don't say this to brag but you can do it too. Just run Facebook ads / post on Reddit to this site and you get rewarded not me because God is logical. Even posting on Reddit 5 minutes a day let's say you get 1 convert. That's 30 converts a month and if only 5 worship that's 500 worships daily added to your scale.

Here is an analogy about eternity. Paradise is eternal.

Imagine the whole world (imagine a mansion if you can't) filled with sand a mile high. Now imagine a bird comes every million years, takes one sand grain and goes.

All the sand can be taken and you are still in paradise.

And even that analogy is still 0 to eternity. Because you can do it 2, 5, 10, 100, 1000, or even a million or billion times and it is still a 0 to eternity. Trillions of times over, still a 0.

This life is only 80 ish years and we spend 12 years in school to better this life. Shouldn't we all become monks to better our eternal next life?

Now lets say the whole house is filled with sand and each sand grain represents 1000x an orgasm. You will experience that in paradise. But don't you want more? No offence intended but why do billionaires still work, they have enough money? It's the reason as human beings we always want more. God says infinity times whatever you want as a happy life is like a bacteria. Level 7 of mini paradise is millions of universes big and you get more than that every time you say one dua (imagine the reward for special worship supplication we taught!), and the universe is 150 billion light years big and 1 light year is 6 trillion miles which is hundreds of thousands of times around Earth.

Life is like the 3 seconds before a Mario Kart game and the game is eternal. Everything in this life you will forget anyways and spend your time in paradise, the eternal life. Why not dedicate yourself to God, you won't even regret it in the next life as you will forget everything in this life anyways God tells us. Like when you were 2 you don't remember anything, likewise after you die you won't remember what you don't want to remember.

Imagine in the next life you are king or queen of the world and can get whatever you want but times a million or billion. So if you want 1 million times the flavor of your favorite food, or 1 million times an orgasm for the next 30 minutes. Or times that number, the universe filled with 9s or more (like the universe filled with 9s a million times over).

You only have one life so don't you want to better your paradise in it? You live for 60 or 70 years and can use that time to better your hereafter. Think: you go to school for 8+ years to better this life and get a job but eventually you will die and lose it all. But you won't lose the hereafter as its eternal. I'm sorry I'm not calling you a money whore or anything I'm trying to help.

Even tasks that take 5 minutes a day, added up is 2 hours 30 minutes a month! Your time is very important to say the special worship in, or do invitation to God on social platforms like us. This is at home, we save for doing the worship and invitation to God.

And the next life is eternal and you should want to better it. We always want more money but we should change that always want more thinking to deeds as deeds are really something. Money just sits in the bank yet we always want more (why billionaires still work) but deeds, you get a trillion times whatever you want per 1 dua. Once you know the next life exists 100% you should want to worship 12+ hours and donate over 50% of your income. Your income isn't going anywhere and when you die you lose it all so it's good for you to use it to better your hereafter.

In reality God says what you want (even the universe filled with 9s times an orgasm) is like a prison in the next life. We bring up the billion times whatever you want as an analogy. Imagine the universe filled with atoms to the power of itself every nano second for the next trillion years times whatever you want - still a prison in the next life. Imagine the reward of the worship 100x + fasting/invitation to God!

We also want to provide an analogy for what you get for worship in the next life.

God tells us of the concept of a mini paradise world. A mini paradise world is a simulation on the rewards of the hereafter. For instance, say whatever you desire is condensed into a bacteria (infinity times an orgasm for example). And imagine the whole Earth filled with sand and each sand grain counts as 1 million times an orgasm. All the sand added up is still 0 to infinity. Infinity times whatever you want is condensed to the bacteria. Level 2 of mini paradise is as big as 2 times the universe while what you desire is a bacteria. We can't imagine how good it is as it's past our imagination. Level 7 of mini paradise is millions of universes.

The universe is 150 billion light years wide and a light year is 6 trillion miles long which is hundreds of thousands of times around the Earth is 1 light year. Remember whatever you desire (infinity times an orgasm, or the feeling of happiness or your favorite food times infinity for example) is just condensed into a bacteria. I'm trying to help not show off.

You get, say, like the universe filled with 9s times a mini paradise world for a special worship as shown above. And it is multiplied the more serious you take the worship.

Also based on different forms of worship you get rewarded differently. For instance 1 thank God is the universe filled with 9s, times mini paradise. And it is multiplied more serious you take it (why monks worship only at temples). But the one dua is better than thank Gods. For 1 fast you get millions of universes filled with 9s, times mini paradise. For 1 invitation to God, you get the universe filled with sands and each sand is 1 trillion, times mini paradise. And remember whatever you desire is a bacteria. Also for the special worship is even better.

Now back to the point:

Below are reasons to invest 50% of your wealth and time for inviting others to God, you can invest your money by emailing us to run ads to this site or donating to help build temples/churches/places of worship. Or donating but we don't recommend this as it lowers others to help them as they're rewarded for suffering so when you take away the suffering it lowers them. It is best to dedicate your money to ads to this site / your own site just copy this one and use Wix to create a site or pay someone on Fiverr and copy and paste this site. But you don't have to (it will be a waste of time) as you can just send people to this site and get rewarded as God is logical and rewards us both. Email us and we can help.


Your money won't be taken with you once you die. It is like an asset that ends when you die.


You can utilize your money to raise yourself in the hereafter. If you have 1 million dollars and spend it to make a temple, you will be rewarded greatly. If you just keep it, you will eventually die and that million won't benefit you.


God says in his book he isn't unjust to his servants so he will reward you for dedicating your money and time.


Even if God doesn't exist (again if you get blessing it is clear he exists because just after you hearing about God if you sleep or eat less it is a miracle) then you would just be deleted when you die, like before you were born. You won't exist to regret dedicating most of your money.

People are rewarded for suffering so its best not to help feed a person because if you take the suffering away from them (by feeding them) then they get lowered in the next life. My teachers say people that suffered would prefer to suffer more in the next life. They know this from Buddha. It's best to dedicate your money to God by donating to mosques, churches, etc or spending your money on Facebook/other social platforms ads to this site (God is logical, if you get someone to visit this site you get rewarded not me). We can help you run ads just email us at

Visit your local mosque or church and donate there or spend your money on ads to this site by contacting someone on Fiverr to make the ads. Here's the link to Facebook ads by Fiverr experts:

We suggest contacting us at or the Fiverr experts and having them make the Facebook ads, then paying someone on Fiverr to run the ads to this site.

Here is a saying of the Prophet on helping:

The Prophet said, “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. God forgave her for that.

This is because in the olden days it was a sin to have immoral sex so that is why she was a sinner.

If God had forgiven one who gave water to a dog suffering from extreme thirst, then how about one who relieves the thirst, satisfies the hunger, and clothes the naked among the believers/people? Or how about one that helps guide people? God says the best deed you can do is guiding someone (and remembering God the special worship saying) as it helps a believer for eternity in heaven. What did God tell all prophets, his favorite people so he would tell them the best thing, to do? Invitation to God.

I am not trying to get you to donate to my charity or whatever but I am just giving an example of how you can benefit your after life. Your money won't go anywhere and money is meant to be spent. Why do you think Elon Musk invests all his money even though he has billions?

By spending in the way of God, you don't necessarily have to donate. If you build a temple , you get rewarded for everyone that worships there 24/7. So say 10 people worship there 2 hours a day. That is 20 hours of worship (in a temple) you get daily for you. The prophet said the best places to God is the temples so imagine your reward for building one!

We want to give a simple plan to be very high: 100-300 one duas a day, 20+ minutes of invitation to God with our message, fasting thrice+ a week from noon-dawn and the other days fast like Christians from 1 food. Lastly donate $10-100+ a month as 1 meal is rewarded 6 trillion hours of worship (thanks God not the 1 dua). Best charity is water so build a well for $500 a year and if 10 people benefit from it a day that is 10 x 1000 months of worship times 6 trillion hours) everyday even passively meaning while you sleep auto deeds! But it is better to not help the people as it lowers them so otherwise spend your money running ad.

Here is a simple 10 minute plan to do that will raise you a lot:

Let's say you get a person called person A to visit this site by posting the message, a flyer, or auto dawah. And lets say they worship 5 minutes a day and fast twice a week etc. You get the same reward for all that on autopilot as proved by the saying that whatever good you lead to counts for you! Person A gets 36,500 times 1 dua a year and you too! Now if you get like us, 400 person As? We just dedicated $5 a day to auto dawah and posted our message 1 hour on reddit! To get help setting up, email:

First, 100+x special worship (in a spare room preferably, it is a multiplier by billions so 1 special worship at the temple/ place of worship is like billions at home but it's fine to worship at home and God is just in his rulings like Solomon is number 2 in paradise but he worshiped at home because God showed him the reward for worship so he didn't want to waste time going to the temple. Similarly you can do the same and only worship the special worship supplication and save time going to the temple)

Second reply on Reddit or YouTube trending comments the message on the site

You can do each of these however many times you want. Again raising yourself in the next life is true productivity so at least do these in the time you save sleeping and eating (9+ hours for us).

Think: monks are homeless so who sustains them? God sustains them. You won't go homeless for dedicating your money to God. God won't let that happen.

This is important because you don't get a second chance at life and so you should dedicate all your time and money to God because you will never get a second shot. Like a finals game for basketball imagine you waste 10 minutes just standing there and let the other team score. The other team is Satan and he scores by wasting your time. Don't let him win. That's why you should dedicate all your money and time to God. We know it may take long, but please don't stop reading this site as it's not a waste of time. It's not as we teach important things. Imagine you get a million times an orgasm or a million dollars in the next life each time you worship. And there's no other way to get deeds then worship, so your time is very important. Even in one minute you can say the thank God supplication 10 times, that's like 10 million dollars! Continue reading it is important.

We want to add, for people that care about time but have to work an 8 hour job, search "the craigslist middle man." This is what we use to make an income from home and not to have a job. It;s basically you selling a website on craigslist here in the states for 2k$ but when someone buys you outsource it on Fiverr for $200 and keep the profit. I make thousands a month off this! Also search up Lucas Lee Tyson $1 course for SEO this is another way to MMO (make money online). There are many ways contact us for more:

Or buy all the courses from this guy I did over 2000 courses and I do 1 a day and am now a millionaire!

You see, we have a youtube channel that has a video on ayatul kursi 7 times which is the best verse in the quran. Anyways for 1 thank God you get that number times an orgasm. For 1 ayatul kursi greater than what a mind can think. You see 10k people have viewed the video, if 10 a day recite it you get all those deeds passively meaning while you sleep! Check the video and channel here:\

My point is you can pay someone on Fiverr to create an islamic video for you and you get rewarded for the thousands that see it daily! Contact us at if you're interested we can teach you how!

Don't look at this if you already believe in God fully, but to strengthen your faith:

Our religion has some major proof behind it we reveal at the end of this post but please read on. But God is logical, all religions are right Islam is just the most updated one. Below is a site detailing the miracles of the Quran. The book as some amazing miracles like it talks about embryology correctly even though it is 1400 years old or it talks about the universe expanding, or life is made from water etc.

Ultimate time analogy: Imagine I give you 10 minutes and every time you say thank God in those 20 minutes you get 1 million dollars. Stay reading this site as it has information to benefit you for life but your time is really important. Do you know why monks practice Kung fu? To beat anyone who wastes their time. But I promise this and the sites I link are worth the time invested as you will worship more.

​This is how to make income from home to save you time:

Email us at for help making money and doing auto dawah for dollars a day!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

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