If blessing doesn't work for you in sleep, keep trying! Sometimes it doesn't work for me.
Aisha the wife of the Prophet says to make dua (ask God) for anything even if your shoelace breaks. Allah can give blessing and make you sleep 30 minutes, just trust him, stop sinning, and worship 4+ hours daily. Rely on God for everything and make dua for whatever, trust God because he can do anything.
Our company is sending money to all who get 100k views or more on their own site. Send the proof to atheismisover@gmail.com and we send 1k per 10k views! For the first 15 to take up this offer, we're sending 3x the cash!
Want to know a great saying?
We call it the 2 dua, say "My Lord please forgive and bless the believers" 1000-2000x a day. Even say it as a constant saying, while you're driving or walking it counts! Say it 15 minutes in prostration for super reward! More hadiths below on this read for 10+ minutes this is real productivity! You would read this post for $1000 but the information here highers you for eternity!
If get 100 trillion times whatever like the beauty of your spouse per second worship, 1000 months hadith is 2.5 billion seconds
Say forgive dua helps all human creations so 2.5 billion times 100 trillion times 100 billion humans that lived = that number times whatever forever!
This post contains the courses I used to make millions - please read it all as you will become a millionaire if you try! There are multiple ways but one - invest in Bitcoin it goes up at least 10% a month and it went up almost 25% last month! Just download the Webull Pay app and invest. With a 10% increase a month investing 500 monthly you have 10k by the end of the year making 1k a month! Make sure to do the ways in Islam to get rizq (sustenance) like being grateful (100+ 1 duas a day), seeking forgiveness the Prophet says it brings wealth (1000 2 duas a day), and donating we did 10% a month and am now a millionaire!
Allah says the ink of a scholar is better than the blood of a martyr. Also a hadith that the superiority of a scholar over a worshiper is like my (the Prophet) superiority over you. It's easy to be a scholar, just watch Islamic youtube videos 1 hour a day on channels like Islamic Guidance, MercifulServant, TheProphetsPath, and LoveAllah328 or more. Also read hadith sites like sunnah.com 10+ minutes a day. Do this and you're a scholar!
You want to dedicate to us for sponsoring orphans, feeding people, forgive dua below, and auto dawah with uswebtraffic.net? The benefit is you get 1000 months of seconds of worship per help and 1 second of worship is more than a house filled with 9s times whatever you want like an orgasm. The benefit of dedicating to us is 1) it saves time so you can worship to get higher in paradise 2) you get double+ reward, reward for each of our team members, 1 reward for helping 2 for raising us. Each help you do raises us all 1000 months so that's multiple helps for you plus the actual help so 5+ helps per person for you! Go to the site and buy any plan and use this site atheismisover.com the site is uswebtraffic.net
The prophet said the caretaker of an orphan will be like this with me in paradise and he put his two fingers together. Just search up "sponsor an orphan muslim" and sponsor multiple for 3x+ the reward! Also the 1000 months hadith, sponsoring an orphan gives them shelter, 2+ meals a day, and water for a month! That's 90+ helps or 90000 months of worship per sponsorship for $40-50. Also if you dedicate $50 to dawah, that sends 150k visitors to this site, 3% see this post and 10% of the 3% sponsor an orphan so 450 sponsorships for you! If you think about it, the prophet is in the highest levels of paradise and you get to be with him, imagine in that level you get the universe filled with 9s number times whatever forever and in the levels you would be in if you didn't sponsor an orphan you just get a million times whatever like orgasm forever! For a measly ~$50, but the reward doesn't stop there! Sponsor 3+ every month and $50+ dawah!
The Prophet even said if you help people Allah will help you and even more the more you help! It's why Allah made me a multi millionaire working 2 hours a week! I want to help you get the same so for now do the above and read this entire post as the courses I took are below and cost thousands but I'm providing them for free! When you make money, give a lot and you'll get more!
One 2 dua, you get 50 billion deeds. This includes dead believers.
If get 100 trillion times orgasm per 1 deed, that times 50 billion PER 2 DUA!
If we got $1 per second worship we would worship the whole day 10,000+ times! What's more important 100 trillion times whatever or $1 per second?
Now dawah, if you send 15000 people to this site, 3% see this post we can check on our site dashboard.
So 5% of 15000 = 750, those 750 say 100x+ 2 duas a day and you get 50 billion deeds times 100 trillion times orgasm times 750 times 100 EACH DAY FOR $5! Why not dedicate $50+ a month?
Minimum punishment in hell is a million times the stove Allah said, I want to help please do dawah to save yourself! Donate to atheismisover@gmail.com on PayPal or use uswebtraffic.net.
Now if you create an Islamic Instagram theme page and you get 10k monthly views, and have our bio description, it is rewarded 10k x 1000 months every month passively meaning while you sleep auto deeds! We'll make one for you and teach you how to advertise it for free just email atheismisover@gmail.com Also we give free site templates like this one and teach you how to advertise it. The benefit is if you send 15k visitors for $5, 10 or so make an Islamic theme page so that's 300 dawahs per view and 100k x 10 views so 1 million views for you and you did nothing! Dedicate $20 a month to your own site so you know we won't scam you!
We dedicate millions a year on dawah! If you make millions from the courses below like us, why not dedicate a lot? If you think we will scam you, copy this site and make your own. Then dedicate millions to it! If you make a good amount and can't copy this site, ask someone on Fiverr to do it that specializes in wix sites. Fiverr is like Facebook for people selling their service.
Search "sites to buy traffic" in Google and buy from the sites to get more dawah! The 2 we provided have limits, to get more we found:
Or donate to us and we do all the work and you get double reward! Donate to PayPal atheismisover@gmail.com
Imagine paradise is like the lowest man reward no multipliers but for each second worship you get million times multiplier For whatever!
We introduce a way to get billions of passive deeds and become super Muslim, see this site after you read this post!
For auto dawah it's even better each dawah intention so the reach is a help so for 50$ paying Facebook ads to this site I got 5000 x 500 trillion x 1 million = number times orgasm, sex, beauty of wife etc
Even dedicate 30$ a month, $1 a day ads we'll help you set them up email us atheismisover@gmail.com you get rewarded greatly!
If you think there's nothing past infinity as the lowest man is the highest possible, the thing is Allah says in the authentic hadith that jannah (paradise) has what a mind cant imagine verified by Imam Mardini a scholar.
Another hadith (saying of the prophet) is that the voluntary morning prayer takes 2 minutes but is rewarded like the whole world and all it contains!
We spend 20-30 years (8 hours school + university) for 5k a month job all our lives working
What would you spend for kingdom of the world and financial freedom meaning you live for eternity and you don't work... praying 2 mins morning prayer you get that! Email us to learn how to pray atheismisover@gmail.com you would give dawah the whole day like a job for even $500, real reward past billions.
If you say the 1/2 dua 100x a day but get tired/lazy it is Satan's plan he doesn't want you saying it. See doesn't that prove God exists/our religion is right because it is saying words why you get lazy saying it? Also if Satan exists God exists as Satan is supernatural so what created him? Also our religion is right as Satan stops you from doing things for our religion.
We Muslims donate 2.5%+ of our yearly income this is known as zakat. You don't want to burn right? What if hell exists, do you want to risk it? So sponsor 3-5+ orphans and that's good, for more reward sponsor more!
We recommend you download a Quran app. Why? Because the Prophet peace be upon him said if you read the Quran each letter you read is 10 deeds even the English translation or whatever language. 1 deed is greater than the kingdom of the earth so you get 10 times that per letter! There's millions of letters in the Quran, try to read it 10-30+ minutes a day and you get so many kingdoms.
The whole point of a message is to understand it, like the Quran says listen to Allah but it also says seek refuge in Allah from the Satan before you recite it. How would we know that if we didn't recite it in English?
Us Muslims are advised to do one deed in our life - the Hajj pilgrimage. If 1 second worship is rewarded the world filled with 9s times whatever forever, 1 hajj is that number times that the house filled with 9s! These are deeds like hajj to do multiple hajjs a day for life!: https://gtaf.org/blog/deeds-that-have-the-same-rewards-as-hajj/ one important deed is learn Quran in the mosque at morning time, also another hadith if you knew the reward for praying fajr (morning) in congregation in the mosque you would crawl to it! Last hadith bis the reward for the voluntary fajr is greater than the world and all it contains. Learn 1 day the 99 names of Allah they will take < 1 hour but there is a hadith that learning them by heart you enter paradise1 The lowest man life guaranteed for 1 hour of work! Download an app for them like this one I use: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ssaurel.allahnames&hl=en_US&pli=1
Also if you send a convert and they do 100 hajjs a month, 1000 similar converts you get over 30k hajjs a day! $20 does this 5x+!
Also if you send 15k to this site, 20% click this post. If only 50 do 1 hajj a week that's 50 hajjs a week for you for life! If you send 15k, dozens from our experience sponsor orphans so you get the same reward for $20! Perfectbusinesswebsites.com just try it it has a money back guarantee! 1 million visitors for $360!
Us as Muslims are also advised to pray 5 times a day. To learn to pray, visit salahplus.com and visit your local masjid or search it up on youtube. God told me how much he loves prayer - and if you got the kingdom of the whole world and condense that to a bacteria and fill the world with bacteria, he loves that more PER prayer! If God loves it so much don't you think he will reward you more for it. If you don't want to learn arabic (not the whole language you only need to know 3 sentences to pray), say the fatiha, the opening chapter in the quran, in english, 10x, 5x a day. There is much more reward in praying like us though. Even dedicate 10 minutes a day to learn how to pray and you'll be finished in a month.
Pray with your mom and dad that's 2 hajjs every prayer, and 1 prayer in congregation is like 27x it from the authentic hadith!
We want to say, we both get rewarded if you dedicate money to dawah as it's your money so we wouldn't convert anyone without you. The 1 dua helps all and the most beloved deed to God is helping a believer its a hadith. So imagine how beloved you'd be if you say it 100+x a day? You want to be more beloved to God as he helps you more. Example: I was a vegetable, couldn't eat walk talk only squeeze hands. Now I'm perfectly normal; God healed me miraculously.
You get more money the more you donate. We are on track to becoming a billionaire making 100+ million a month, why? Because I donated whatever I didn't need for years. Sponsor 30% of your income to sponsoring orphans that's the best charity and 20% dawah! Then take the courses I did and make millions! Even when you're a multi millionaire dedicate more because you keep getting and for the reward!
To get back to the main point:
Of course this is your own choice but we bring it up to help.
If dawah (invitation to God) help new believer for every deed they do you get thousand months of worship, so if they say rememberance (dhikr) (1 dua) 200-300 times: we are getting 1000+ people that do the dhikr so that's like 2 million (1000 x 200) months of worship added to my scale every day passively! You can do it too, do invitation 1 hour a day for a year! We provided the message, copy and paste it. Or run Facebook ads to it, you'd learn for a million dollars. Or pass out my flyer.
You see, imagine you just get a million times whatever you want per second of worship. This is better life than king of the world in 1 second! See why your time is important?
Now if you convert 1k worshipers (the message posted 1 hour a day to Reddit for a year got 2k convert worshipers we know this as we can see how many people come from Reddit and a thousand came) the message says to visit the site to learn how to worship more so those 1000 are good worshipers (100 remembrances a day+)
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said," Whoever says: "There is no God but Allah, he with no partner, for him is the kingdom, and for him is praise and thanks, and he has power over all things" one hundred times will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he."
For $100 we'd do it, think of freeing 10 slaves the reward! If you free 9 slaves vs. saying this 100 times the latter is better! Take advantage!
These are hadiths or saying of the Prophet about the benefits of dawah, helping others, etc:
“O Messenger of God, which of the people are most beloved to God, and which deeds are most beloved to God?”
The Prophet said: “The people most beloved to God are those who are most beneficial to the people. To help a believer is like a thousand months of worship in my masjid."
If dawah help new believer for every deed they do you get same reward + thousand months of worship, so if they say dhikr (remembrance like thank God) 300 times you get 300 x 1000 months of worship daily passively while you sleep
Abu Darda reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Nothing is heavier upon the scale of a believer on the Day of Resurrection than his good character. Verily, God hates the vulgar and obscene.”
Grade: Sahih (authentic)
Its good character to benefit people dawah
Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By Allah, that Allah guides a man through you is better for you than a herd of expensive red camels.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2847, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2406
Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim
A red camel is like a red ferrari so like $10 mil to convert someone
Whoever intends to perform a good deed but does not do it, then Allah will record it as a complete good deed. If he intends to do it and does so, then Allah the Exalted will record it as ten good deeds up to seven hundred times as much or even more.
Source: Sahih Bukhari 6126, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi
Abu Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1893
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3321, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2245
Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim
Ibn al-Qayyim (a famous Islamic scholar) said, “If Allah Almighty had forgiven one who gave water to a dog suffering from extreme thirst, then how about one who relieves the thirst, satisfies the hunger, and clothes the naked among the Muslims?”
Source: ‘Uddat al-Ṣābirīn 1/253
What about one who guides people, it helps them for eternity in the next life. Think of the reward for it, God told all 124,000 prophets to do it
So we say there's a guy called person A. He goes to the site and worships thousands of times a day, fasts thrice a week, does dawah as the site gives a message to do dawah with and he does dawah 10+ minutes a day, and does 1 min of sujud or prostration a day.
Ibn al-Qayyim (a famous Islamic scholar) said, “If Allah Almighty had forgiven one who gave water to a dog suffering from extreme thirst, then how about one who relieves the thirst, satisfies the hunger, and clothes the naked among the Muslims?”
Imagine 100 person As, 5% of converts turn into person As We know that from our experience 300 out of 7500 turned person As so 5% visited our post at the end of the site and we can see how many people saw the post. The site takes 40 minutes to read it all so if they get to the post they (90%) are good worshippers.
That is reward for you 1000 months each time they worship, fast, and the dawah message teaches say thank God 300 times a day if they get 10 converts a day that's 3000 helps for you too! In total 1 person A makes you millions of months of worship a day!
We suggest emailing us for our flyer that converts people, giving it to homeless and making homeless communities - homeless shelters and you teach the poor how to worship and give them food, drink, clothes, hygiene products for life. Imagine the reward and to build 1 homeless shelter that houses 1000 homeless it will cost < 1 million but what do you do with your money anyways? To get all homeless off streets in Canada and USA it would cost maybe 3-4 billion email us if you're interested atheismisover@gmail.com
If you're wondering why I don't do this, I do just I spend more money on dawah as that is more rewarding.
Again my site is investing it's not donating.
There is a hadith people would crawl to pray the morning prayer in the mosque. Also another hadith the reward of the sunnah prayer to fajr is like the whole world and all in it! If i got a billion to pray I would always pray. Imagine the reward of dawah! Allah told all prophets to give it not pray and he would tell them the best thing so it is the best deed!
The site teaches this:
Ubadah ibn al-Samit reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and women, Allah will record a good deed for him by each man and woman.”
Source: Musnad al-Shāmīyīn 2118
Grade: Jayyid (very good) according to Al-Haythami
End times: all minor signs of the end times came true there's like 70 except 2, the euphrates river will dry up and reveal a mountain of gold and 99 out of 100 combatants will die fighting over this gold. That means nukes are used how do 99 die? And if nukes are used it means WW3. And the 2nd is women would outnumber men and it makes sense as the 99 combatants will be male.
Some minor signs are: buildings of makkah would reach the mountains, how would the prophet predict that when Arabs used to build houses in the ground as it was so hot. Gay marriage will be legalized is another sign and we have no knowledge of a culture allowing it till now. Obesity will be prevalent is another sign and people back then used to walk alot so they wouldn't get fat. Literacy will become common, in the prophets time less than 10% of people knew how to read and write. There are dozens more.
Albert pike, an American General in the 1800s, had a dream of 3 world wars. He basically wrote down events leading to WW1 and WW2 and they happened. He said the illuminati will provoke a third world war by creating religious conflicts in the middle east. Look at what's happening between Israel and Iran.
This is more signs:
https://youtu.be/rEJ5Sz5yC_I?si=ViU5fcC2E0zVl5wh Watch from watch from 15:44 - 18:50
See this proves these sayings and if WW3 is in 10-20 years whats the point studying for a job? I suggest investing, if you invest 700 a month and stocks gain 5% a month, you will be a millionaire making 50k a month by 2032. Most stocks raise < 1% a month but Nvidia has been growing and the CEO said it might hit 50 trillion in 10 years. It rose 22% last month.
My point is do the things in Islam to get money like saying o God forgive me 1k+ times a day, doing prostration and saying 1 dua 100x, donating dawah, etc.
Then be a millionaire in 10 years and remember the more you give the more you get.
Helping a brother/sister is rewarded like hajj what about sending 600k people to this site, converting them, and getting them to say the 1/2 dua thousands of times? That's a lifetime of a million helps or hajjs per person and 600k helps for converting 600k for $400 or cheaper plans! $110 for 150k visitors! If they say the 2 dua once, it helps all creation so billions times hajj per 2 dua said! Now if 600k converts say it 1000x each God cares about the try prophet Noah proves that he got 11 converts but tried his whole life. Similarly all 25% that reach this post will say it 1000x+ a day so you get rewarded that! 1000 x billions x hajj DAILY per person! 1 2 dua is rewarded like 50 billion deeds, so 50 billion hajjs as it helps all!
And the most beloved deed to God is to make a believer happy, the 1 dua makes everyone happy imagine the reward! Say it 1000x+ a day!
Do the super sujud (prostration) I call it: 1000x a day: prostration and say "Oh God, please forgive and bless everything" This helps all so 1000 months per all humans and it helps widows, poor, orphans, etc think of the reward!
So they get 50+ billion deeds for saying the 2 dua once and you too. Now if the 390 people who have gone through the site entirely are saying it 100x each? That's 30k 1 duas for me ob autopilot.
And what qayyim said, but raising everyone? See the massive reward?
Again do auto dawah and get 15k times the above for $5 click here: uswebtraffic.net and use this site atheismisover.com and keyword "proof God exists"
Allah told us the rewards of worship...
Watch this for 20 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/J9oqtJ4EjP8
The last man to enter paradise gets 10 worlds! Would you be a scholar with a beard for a million dollars? We should take this seriously, if you got a billion dollars you'd be the best Muslim! By take this seriously I mean worship study donate etc all for God.
Anyways if how much Allah loves seeking forgiveness is a grain of sand, the God of all religions the real Allah loves a shitty thank god with good intention like the universe filled with sand a quintillion times over!
If you say wait isn't Allah the real God, Buddha and Solomon did something for me (side note, Allah and the dead people/duplicates of alive people are talking to me and jinns (demons) too through voices, they told me to create this site and led me to becoming a millionaire) Buddha said 8 days and Solomon 21 right away. What does this prove? They knew what I was going to ask before I asked it! And all 8 billion humans are doing their own thing but they pin pointed a random kid in a random city to troll. They're God's. That's the real Allah, the Allah of Buddha.
Remember - Allah says building an orphanage vs. 1000 dawahs, the dawah is better so dedicate just $5 to us and if not to uswebtraffic.net! Imagine the reward of building an orphanage, you get 15x that for $5 so do dawah!
What if your dawah teach this... meaning you teach a million people to say this 1000x a day? You get similar reward for $360! Check perfectbusinesswebsites.com
Here are the benefits to the 2 dua:
Whoever intends to perform a good deed but does not do it, then Allah will record it as a complete good deed. If he intends to do it and does so, then Allah the Exalted will record it as ten good deeds up to seven hundred times as much or even more.
Source: Sahih Bukhari 6126, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi
So if you say the supplication once, you get the reward of 1 trillion deeds+ that is greater than a million dollars! And 1 deed is equal to last man we said before!
Try for thousands a day! Or even 100-300x+!
And dawah (invitation to God) is the most rewarding thing it's like quintillions times worship!
So best of all, say "Oh God bless everything" 100x+ in prostration (sujud us Muslims call it) a day!
Think about it, you get better life than a king for saying a couple words (the worship)! Your time is really important!
Imagine 20k duas passively daily meaning you do nothing! That's why we dedicate thousands+ a month. Email us to run ads - atheismisover@gmail.com
Below are the reasons you should dedicate your money and time towards God. This means even building/funding temples, donating, etc.
Use your money to raise you it is just sitting around. 1 dua is rewarded like the whole world filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million is a 0 to infinity and 1 thank God is rewarded more than infinity times whatever you want!
Now imagine us, we got 3000 people to read this site fully. If they are doing the minimum of 100 1 duas (it takes 5 minutes) I am getting 300k 1 duas a day passively and that is times 1000 = 300 million months of worship every day passively meaning while I sleep! We are not saying this to brag but help. You can get similar results if you post even 1 hour a day of the message above. Download the app Reddit, create an account, go to the Popular page and go to recent 12h or less posts and reply to people the message. When the cooldown stops you for 20-50 minutes, set a timer for how long it stopped you and when the timer is up do spamming replies again! Also you can search up on Google youtube trending and go to the trending page and click the trending videos , and reply to peoples comments (this is important so they see it, don't comment on the video no one will see it). Also join a facebook group and reply to people the message. Also download Instagram, create an account, and reply on the search tab and trending posts reply the message (not all of it but it's ok just leave it).
And God says there is an infinite possibility for reward so you can never have enough reward. 40 million months of worship is nothing like 50. So each 1 dua counts even after a billion+.
So what can you use your money to benefit you? Donate ads to this site / copy this site and create your own. Invitation to God has great reward so try it!
Even post 20 minutes a day the message above you get 3 reach a minute or 60 reach and we get 10% of converts so you get 6 a day and if one worships that is 30+ 1 duas for you daily or 30k months of worship while you sleep! You can also dedicate ads to this site, $1 reaches 7 people so $100 reaches 700 people and if 2% convert and worship that is 14 worshipers so over 1k duas added to your scale daily for $100 a month! That is billions of months after a year! That is 50 visitors or $10 a day running ads. If you won't do ads, copy and paste the message above for 20 minutes a day and get smaller results but after a month that is 100~ convert worshipers to your scale every month!
If you get the thought "oh 5 converts is enough stop spending" that is Satan don't listen to him he wants you as low as possible.
If you don't want to dedicate your money to run ads to this site, donate then. We suggest dedicating your money to God as it raises you.
But spending your money to guide people is still better, say you dedicate just $10 a day to ads. you get 50 visitors and 25 converts and 5 convert worshipers. That is 5 x 10 minimum one duas = 50 1 duas a day! That is 18k+ 1 duas a day after a year!
We say this but invitation to God is still better.
That is why we spend all our spare income towards God. We suggest you too, but pay for helping others in the next life as helping someone in this life lowers them. It is better for you to spend helping others in the next life (donating ads to this site or helping build temples/mosques). If you decide not to help feed others as it lowers them, you get rewarded more. Instead, to really help the people, just say the special worship 500+ times or donate to run ads to this site by emailing us.
Why not fast everyday? That's what we do. We fast from noon to dawn, we eat at like 10 am once for the day then just don't eat for the rest of the day. We sometimes drink water or eat a bit if we are hungry. That's how all us monks fast. Buddha fasted 5 days a week and wish he fasted more when he saw the reward for fasting.
The Prophet said each fast moves you up in paradise the amount of distance traveled in 70 years. Also he said there is no equal to fasting (in general) so even 1 million hours of worship (again thanks God not 1 dua) there is no equal to fasting.
To the people that want to please God for all the blessings he gave us, the Prophet said the breath of a fasting person is like the scent of musk in God's eyes. Also in the hadith al qudsi which means God said it through the Prophet, God says, "I reward all deeds by 10-700+ times except for fasting, it is for me and I will reward for it."
These 4 sayings are the reason we fast everyday.
Also human history in total has only been 3000~ years. Think how long is a million. Even human history times a hundred is only 300,000 years. All your memories are just 25~ years. Times a 100 is 2500 years. Times a 100 again is 5000 years. Again 7500 years. Think how long is a million. The next life is over a trillion, that's 10,000 times a million. Shouldn't we dedicate this life at only 80~ years (20 years of free time) for the next life which is over 1 million times a trillion years.
We got over 250 people to read this site fully meaning we get over 25k one duas added to our scale daily even while we sleep auto deeds. And not to mention other worships like donating, prostration, and fasting / invitation to God. But thanking God is still the best thing.
We don't say this to brag but you can do it too. Just run Facebook ads / post on Reddit to this site and you get rewarded not me because God is logical. Even posting on Reddit 5 minutes a day let's say you get 1 convert. That's 30 converts a month and if only 5 worship that's 500 worships daily added to your scale.
Now back to the point:
Below are reasons to invest 50% of your wealth and time for inviting others to God, you can invest your money by emailing us to run ads to this site or donating to help build temples/churches/places of worship. Or donating but we don't recommend this as it lowers others to help them as they're rewarded for suffering so when you take away the suffering it lowers them. It is best to dedicate your money to ads to this site / your own site just copy this one and use Wix to create a site or pay someone on Fiverr and copy and paste this site. But you don't have to (it will be a waste of time) as you can just send people to this site and get rewarded as God is logical and rewards us both. Email us and we can help.
Your money won't be taken with you once you die. It is like an asset that ends when you die.
You can utilize your money to raise yourself in the hereafter. If you have 1 million dollars and spend it to make a temple, you will be rewarded greatly. If you just keep it, you will eventually die and that million won't benefit you.
God says in his book he isn't unjust to his servants so he will reward you for dedicating your money and time.
Even if God doesn't exist (again if you get blessing it is clear he exists because just after you hearing about God if you sleep or eat less it is a miracle) then you would just be deleted when you die, like before you were born. You won't exist to regret dedicating most of your money.
People are rewarded for suffering so its best not to help feed a person because if you take the suffering away from them (by feeding them) then they get lowered in the next life. My teachers say people that suffered would prefer to suffer more in the next life. They know this from Buddha. It's best to dedicate your money to God by donating to mosques, churches, etc or spending your money on Facebook/other social platforms ads to this site (God is logical, if you get someone to visit this site you get rewarded not me). We can help you run ads just email us at atheismisover@gmail.com.
Visit your local mosque or church and donate there or spend your money on ads to this site by contacting someone on Fiverr to make the ads. Here's the link to Facebook ads by Fiverr experts: https://www.fiverr.com/search/gigs?query=facebook%20ads&source=main_banner&acmpl=1&search_in=everywhere&search-autocomplete-original-term=fa&search-autocomplete-available=true&search-autocomplete-type=suggest&search-autocomplete-position=1
We suggest contacting us at atheismisover@gmail.com or the Fiverr experts and having them make the Facebook ads, then paying someone on Fiverr to run the ads to this site.
I am not trying to get you to donate to my charity or whatever but I am just giving an example of how you can benefit your after life. Your money won't go anywhere and money is meant to be spent. Why do you think Elon Musk invests all his money even though he has billions?
By spending in the way of God, you don't necessarily have to donate. If you build a temple , you get rewarded for everyone that worships there 24/7. So say 10 people worship there 2 hours a day. That is 20 hours of worship (in a temple) you get daily for you. The prophet said the best places to God is the temples so imagine your reward for building one or donating to one!
You can do each of these worships however many times you want. Again raising yourself in the next life is true productivity so at least do these in the time you save sleeping and eating (9+ hours for us).
Think: monks are homeless so who sustains them? God sustains them. You won't go homeless for dedicating your money to God. God won't let that happen.
This is important because you don't get a second chance at life and so you should dedicate all your time and money to God because you will never get a second shot. Like a finals game for basketball imagine you waste 10 minutes just standing there and let the other team score. The other team is Satan and he scores by wasting your time. Don't let him win. That's why you should dedicate all your money and time to God. We know it may take long, but please don't stop reading this site as it's not a waste of time. It's not as we teach important things. Imagine you get a million times an orgasm or a million dollars in the next life each time you worship. And there's no other way to get deeds then worship, so your time is very important. Even in one minute you can say the thank God supplication 10 times, that's like 10 million dollars! Continue reading it is important.
We want to add, for people that care about time but have to work an 8 hour job, search "the craigslist middle man." This is what we use to make an income from home and not to have a job. It's basically you selling a website on craigslist here in the states for 2k$ but when someone buys you outsource it on Fiverr for $200 and keep the profit. I make thousands a month off this! Also search up Lucas Lee Tyson $1 course for SEO this is another way to MMO (make money online). There are many ways visit our site for more: https://bookwithfacts.wixsite.com/money
This is for CPA marketing, we make 150k a month off this so why am I sharing for $12? For the deeds!
This is better, I'll just tell you what to do:
500x Astaghfirullah a day which means o God forgive me
100x Alhamdulilah ala kul shay which means o God thank you for all my blessings
15 min quran a day
Donate $20+ to auto dawah and sponsor an orphan
I did this and for the past 6 years I didn't make $1 and spent 6k. When I started this I made $1452 and did this plan for 3 months so 30 hrs of work. 1452 ÷ 30 = 50 so 50 an hour! I went all in and am now a multi millionaire!
This is the plan:
You do islamic rizq like I teach you with authentic hadiths and proof >
You get a job >
You do dropshipping, watch this for 1 minute: https://youtu.be/fUEcXSORHF0?si=7WvFPnt5AJHoi1Dq
0:00 - 1:00 >
I talked to him, his mentorship is $497 and to start a store he said $100 >
You become a millionaire like this guy: https://youtube.com/shorts/yiVGg0msJkc?si=4EdfnBxAhRJp2uJZ
Important to never cheap out and get a mentor - I lost 6k cheaping out. It's simple, try becoming a doctor without going to med school.
You need a mentor and Cameron is great.
Here's the proofs for islamic rizq:
Proof for forgiveness:
Proof to be grateful:
Reading Quran and donating proof is in Quran Allah says.
Ultimate time analogy:
You see, the best time analogy is imagine I said "in the next 10 minutes every time you say 1 dua you get 10 million dollars" and someone wastes 2 of your minutes! MMO isn't a waste of time though as without you'd have to work a 9-5 which wastes more time.
Don't look at this if you already believe in God fully, but to strengthen your faith:
Our religion has some major proof behind it, why we say this when you know God exists you really burn forever in the next life so donate everything never sin and worship 24 7 to save yourself! see these:
Now these are Miracles of the quran:
Life from water
Universe expanding
Two seas don't mix
Last thing people in the desert think everything is from water
The sun orbits the milky way according to NASA
Numerical miracles https://youtube.com/shorts/G3X248BC7nE?si=VNQ1iQz9YYC2SBPd
Proves quran not altered as if someone changed it the numerical miracles would break
Embryology https://youtu.be/sYajKl-Xr6c
Please click below for the video titled "Quran miracle debunked Embryology":
skip to 6 minutes and 30 seconds into the video and he says it is plagiarized from Aristotle
Again this is a miracle because it assumes the prophet went to Aristotle's civilization that is hundreds of miles away, translated his information that was in ancient Greek, and picked out the right information to steal from him. Even though the prophet was illiterate in his own language.
Thank you for reading and have a great day!
It’s a fact that religion is a mental illness. If I won a million dollars no church will ever see a penny from me. They just talk, talk, talk, and prove nothing. Then they beg for money. It’s mostly about money, and control. There is no god, and never was one. Now there are many gods on this planet. Pure ignorance. Time to grow up folks.
I will donate 100% if God himself takes it from my hand.
wow you'd have to be a complete idiot (religious) to give this fool 50% of your money
This is erm.. kinda epic?