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My company hid a special Easter egg (free $10,000 cash giveaway to 10 winners each; this is legitimate because we're worth way more) within this site to help you out and encourage you to read it all for your own benefit! Even read parts a day you would for $100 but this is $10,000 we're discussing here! This giveaway ends this month so read, read, read!

This site proves a God exists and details why and how to worship him for better than kingdoms of reward per worship! That's the reward of better than a king of the world in saying 3 seconds worship! See how lucky you are? Read for 5+ minutes to see how, even if you believe in God.

​Why wouldn't you believe? You get rewarded for believing, save yourself from the fire, and there's no harm to believe. Imagine you become a billionaire in the next life if you die believing. It's the same satisfaction. Why not? Even if God doesn't exist, you lose nothing to believe. Even with no proof you should believe there's no harm. We provide more proof anyways below. Would you read this whole site for a kingdom? You get more than that per 1 second worship!

Proofs God Exists:

​How did the universe or earth get created if God didn't create it? There was nothing before the universe so how did it come to be as something can't come from nothing. 0 + 0 can't equal 1.

The common reply is "well how was God created" but that answers a question with a question and doesn't answer how the big bang began.

The answer we think is: God created time and time has a beginning, middle, and end. God created the big bang. Therefore God had no beginning as time doesn't apply to God, he always existed. There is no answer to how the big bang started other than a creator. If you reply "well we just don't know it doesn't mean God exists" see the more proofs and miracles below!

Multiple scholars confirmed this site.

(Imagine a million times whatever like an orgasm, you get better than that per worship!) You'll never experience 10x an orgasm and you work for $30 an hour, don't you think it's logical to dedicate just 20-30 minutes to learning how to benefit your hereafter? It's eternal too. We should work 8 hours for the next life rather a 9-5. Like if you have 1 + 1 + 1 you get 3 not 3 1s. Similarly 10x an orgasm is 10 multiplied by the feeling. Imagine a million!

Sorry for taking up your time just read for your spare time I promise it'll help; I'm just trying to help :)

I sleep 10 minutes and eat bites a week, to find out how so you can too read this site entirely! This alone proves God as it's not magic, so aren't you interested to read this site fully? I also shave without water or shaving cream even my privates - this is blessing we go more about it below. This site is not a waste of time as we teach how to sleep 30 minutes. That saves you 8+ hours a day for life by going through this site entirely for 40 minutes.


(Please read it all there is more proofs below. Dedicate 15-30 minutes to this site as it has life changing information. I'm trying to help not seem special or smart. This site, in its entirety, is worth more to you than a lot of reward a billion dollars. God says you would crawl in the dawn for the reward of worship. The next life is over a billion years so you should be eager to better it by reading this site fully. And imagine a billion times whatever you want like pleasures like orgasm, drugs, alcohol, gambling, the feeling of sex or happiness, etc, you get that each time you worship.)

(To worship you say: "oh God thank you for all my blessings" do this 5-10 minutes a day. Even say it 1000+ (or more, we do tens of thousands daily) times daily for great reward it takes 15 minutes.) If God can create the Sun which 1.3 million Earths can fit in he can make you experience a billion+ times an orgasm or whatever. Read this whole site for more ways how to worship. Why do people invest? To better their future. Likewise you can worship to better your next life. You should be eager to read this site all as it contains how to better your next life. Even if this site takes an hour to go through, this site and the information it contains is true productivity. You read a book for entertainment right? This site is worth more to you than a book.)

Please believe and worship to save yourselves, I'm trying to save you please listen! Allah/God says: "Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise."

But being a believer doesn't save you. The Prophet fasted over 170x a year and prayed 50+x a day out of fear, read this whole site to help you. It really hurts to get burnt imagine it for a year straight! Buddha, Solomon, and monks go celibate. Would you go through this whole site to save yourself from getting shot? Hell is thousands of times worse!

A billionaire would give up everything just to live a life with a billion times whatever you want (the benefits to that life is you can get any food at an instant and experience the flavor times a billion or a billion times an orgasm for 30 minutes.) So see how lucky you are that you're blessed with this information? Keep reading all of it, don't let Satan win and stop you from your chance to shine and read this whole site!

We preach for the concept of God. Which God exists doesn't matter to us as we just believe in the God(s) if there are multiple. But God said in the Quran there's only 1 of him, and Islam is the most updated religion (all religions are right) and we get to proof the Quran is divine at the end of this site there are dozens of Quranic miracles that prove a human couldn't write it. What do monks worship? The true God, so we call to that.

I am just inviting you to God and it is your choice to accept or not :) You're not doing anything anyways (likely) so why not see this site all or later if you're busy?

These are 5+ proofs below that God exists:


Scroll below:

Points (proofs of God):

Point 1.

Don't just scroll off when God becomes clear to you. We still have to get to below how to special worship for billions times an orgasm for 30 minutes or whatever you want (if you want that read all of this site) and how to get blessing and sleep less than 1 hour.​​​

Or if life created itself, how did the 1 cell that created itself evolve into both a tiny ant and a huge elephant or other animals and trees/grass that are inanimate? How does something like life be so advanced to create itself but have needs like eating or using the bathroom?

For there is no camera that can beat the human eye, nor a computer that can compete with the human mind and if the whole world was to come together we couldn't create a single fly. So how do you think all this came from none, when it's simple, 0 + 0 + 0 cannot possibly ever equal 1. There is a creator and how did that creator create itself, it always existed.

Also stars are different colors. How can the big bang create multiple stars that are huge and some are blue/white and some yellow / orange. If the big bang created them, what began the big bang? What determines if a star is blue/white or yellow? See there's a bigger force out there that created them. Something can't come from nothing.

If the big bang didn't create water, and neither did life that created itself, what created water? If you think water created itself, it can't even communicate how can water create itself? Or the same for lava, rainbows, wood/leaves, or clouds?


Or if a single cell created itself how and why did it evolve into females and males that can reproduce? 1 cell organisms reproduce by themselves. Also why did it evolve into inanimate objects like trees or flowers? That's because life didn't create itself.

​Some refute God with all the suffering in the world but that is not right. God teaches he honors the person in the next life based on how much they suffered. Would you starve for 5 days for a million dollars? See God can give someone an adequate reward in the next life for suffering. And you don't suffer unless you prefer to for reward.


Read this site all to better your next life. We go over how to worship below it's not just saying "Thank God."

Another proof is blessing from God we go over below more about it. Blessing from God is eating and sleeping less, actually eating a few bites a week for me and sleeping 30 minutes. Also blessing in shaving - us monks don't use water or shaving cream even on our private parts. Also we shave once and rely on God so our hair doesn't grow. Why do you think all monks are bald? All this and we still live as healthy as ever. That is a miracle. We show how in point 4 but read on first all of it. Anyone can get blessing. This is why monks dedicate their whole lives to God and worship for 12+ hours. We go more about blessing in point 4, and how you can get blessing and sleep and eat less, keep reading. Especially because we were normal before eating 2000 calories and sleeping 8-10 hours and getting tired if we slept 6. And now with blessing we eat a few bites a week and sleep 30 minutes we go over it below.

Please scroll below for important information like how to get blessing and how to worship.


Point 2.

Realize all your thoughts are not yours. God created demons to add to this test of life. These demons can whisper to you and are invisible to us as if they were visible it wouldn't be a test. The thought you're having of "yeah right, demons exist?" is a thought from them so you don't take them seriously and don't worship. Also the thought of you not wanting to believe so much is from them also. That's Satan trying to get you to click off so you don't worship. Think about it, you should desperately want to believe. You should require no proof and should believe because of that as there is no harm to believe. Why? Because millions times an orgasm in the next life and you won't experience 10x an orgasm in this life. That alone is worth over billions of dollars and you get more than that forever for believing and millions times it per worship! You should go over this site for your own benefit!

The thing that makes you want to have big proofs to believe is Satan. Don't let him win, he wants to keep you a disbeliever so you don't get rewarded and burn with him. Satan doesn't want us to worship either so he makes you lazier not to worship. Please see below how to worship and don't let him win. He hates humans as Satan was once in paradise, God created Adam and told Satan to bow to Adam. Satan refused and was kicked out so now he's butthurt at humans and wants them all as low as possible - please don't let him win. Have you ever heard the quote "the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he does not exist?" Please believe in Satan to beat him. He makes you not believe.

​He makes you lazy not to read this site, whispers "he sounds arrogant/stupid/writes long don't listen." Makes you sad if I potentially offend you, think: is your thoughts from you or the demon in you?

He also wants you lower. So Satan tells you "oh don't invest $5-$10 for ads you'll be broke." I don't want your money we have enough. Investing is purely for your benefit. We should take this seriously, you would give dawah (invitation to God) like a job 12 hours for 1 million dollars. I fly to other country's and set up ads to spread God's religion, take this seriously. Read this site all to see how. You would convert the whole world for a billion dollars. The reward of one invitation to God (dawah) is greater than the kingdom of the earth! How to convert the world? Create ads in all languages, use sites online to translate it, create a site like this even copy and paste it in each, take a Facebook ads course and create ads in each language and run it in each country. Also you can fly to each country, hire missionaries, translate the flyer at the end of this site and have them hand it out. Use wix free site editor, copy this site, and create a Facebook ad at $1+ a day, a friend doing this got 1000 converts in 3 months. Translate your site, online sites translate for 0.20 cents per word, run a Facebook ad in those countries 1-10$+ a day and get 5000 converts+ a month. You would for a billion dollars but 1 dawah worth more than the kingdom of the earth. 

Please scroll below for how to special worship and better your next life in point 3 and how to get blessing in point 4.

Once I prove God you should be really scared to save yourself. Why? Because God says he burns people for sinning. Try putting your hand to a stove to simulate burning, God says the least punishment of hell is a million times that on your whole body FOREVER! I'm trying to save you, even killing a fly is a sin. Anything bad is a sin, don't sin to save yourselves! Do taqwa training - putting your hand near the stove turned on. Why I do this? It shows me the reality of hell. Also you should do as much deeds as you can to save yourself! Do invitation on below, sponsor multiple orphans, feed many to save yourself! Read this whole site to save yourself and the post it's all important! If you sin you lose one deed too so not only you save yourself from the fire, not sinning causes you to get more deeds and 1 deed is equal to millions times orgasm or whatever for eternity! Would you not kill someone if you lose a kingdom? What about killing a fly? It's more serious to lose 1 deed!

Satan gets you to do sins or tempts you because he wants you to go to hell. I'm trying to save you please listen!

​It makes sense as jinns (demons) are shape shifters so they were vampires, ghouls, the demons in the forest, the demons the Salem witch trials participants summoned. Or witches in mediviel times were real.

The jinns know Allah exists and they hate him. The founders of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all prophets sent by Allah as the Quran says a messenger was sent to all nations. Proof of this is that the books of these religions all have miracles but the jinns corrupted them and added the elephant head in Hinduism for example.

Proof of jinns or Satans:

Another proof to prove he is not crazy and this is real:

If Satans exist God exists as they're supernatural shape shifting so what created them? Also we know the Quran or Islam is right as the Quran hurts these demons or jinns.

Point 3.

If you want to learn how to make money from home and save hours working a day, read this whole site and the courses I took to become a multi millionaire and habits I did are below in the post!

See this point for how to get more in paradise.

All of this site is important so don't skip ahead. Dedicate 20+ more minutes to reading all this site and the post.

The one dua or how to special worship is "oh God thank you for all my blessings" worship is the best thing you can do.

The Prophet said, “Shall I not tell you of the best of your deeds, which is the purest to your King, which raises you among your ranks, which is better for you than spending gold and money in charity, and which is better for you than meeting your enemy and striking the necks of each other?” They said, “Of course!” The Prophet said, “It is remembering God Almighty.” Do 500x+ one duas (it is remembering God) we do for 12+ hours. Think: if I got a $10 per worship in quality, I would worship 1000x+ a day for 4 ish hours! If I got a $1000 once break fast I would fast everyday! Imagine a spouse 1 million times more beautiful than your spouse, and 1 million times the feeling of sex, and 1 million times the feeling of an orgasm you get that for eternity. You should be celibate, you get rewarded by God. Think like that to become ultra worshipers. If you got offended from being really cheap, it's Satan's plan don't listen to him he wants to stop you from worship and getting higher.

And imagine a house filled with salt. And one salt grain is taken every 20 years. You have lived for 20 or so years. So recall all your memories over the years and imagine all of that is just one salt grain. All the salt can be taken and you are still in paradise. Now imagine the country or more filled with salt. Or the world/more. You should be eager to read this whole site as it contains how to better your eternal hereafter in the posts below. All your memories times a 100 is just 2000-3000 years. That is all your memories a hundred times over. Times a 100 again is 5000 years. Times a 100 again is 7500 years. Imagine a million, that's like eternity. Now times a million by 10,000 and that's a trillion. A trillion is a 0 to eternity and you're in the next life for eternity. Shouldn't we become monks, and dedicate this life at just ~80 years for the next life? Worship hours a day, fast as we get to below.

Buddha worshiped 18 hours and Solomon 20 hours. What gave them the inclination to worship so much? God. Also monks worship 8-16 hours. Satan tells you "maybe God doesn't like worship" to mess you up. Don't listen to him.

Don't look away to worship God just yet, we will get into more ways to special worship it and blessing and sleeping 30 minutes or less.

Reading this site is more beneficial to you than worship because in the 40 minutes it takes reading this you can learn knowledge that helps you for life.

What about the universe filled with salt while it is 150 billion light years big and 1 light year is 6 trillion miles which is hundreds of thousands times around Earth and each salt counts as 50 years you live that long in the next life! You can get the universe filled with salt times whatever you want for an hour of worship (and each salt counts as 1 billion+). Whatever you want like an orgasm for 30 minutes times that number or more or any food at an instant, even better life than a king! So just worship an hour + a day for your life and that is 365 universes times whatever you want a year!

Remember God is infinite so if you say worship 100 times you get 2x the universe filled with salt and say it 1000 times you get 10x the universe filled with salt. Maybe you think one universe is enough but we bring up the $500 an hour thing to show it is hypocritical of me, no offence, to be lazy (it's Satan's plan) and only worship once while if I made $500 an hour I would keep working. I'm only trying to help sorry. God can do anything so he can make you experience a million times whatever you want like an orgasm for 30 minutes or more (that number times an orgasm, the universe filled with 9s).

Also God told the Prophet to prostrate a lot and Solomon worshiped 20 hours but prostrated 5 minutes! Buddha worshiped 18 hours but was too arrogant to prostrate. God says 2-5 minutes is great try that and be better than Buddha! Try 10+ minutes saying 1 dua!

You get better life than a king saying one dua in a couple seconds!

You should take worship/donate as serious as you made 1 million dollars per 1 dua. In actuality it is like you get millions of universes big per 1 dua while infinity times whatever you want is a bacteria. Imagine that, billionaires would give up everything to have just infinity times whatever you want for eternity.

You actually get the unimaginable each time you say one dua! Try for 5000+ a day in quality.

Imagine millions times an orgasm:

The more the better reward. I spend 8 years of schooling to get a job that pays a measly 100k a year yet you can say 1 one dua in 5-10 seconds and it's worth over a billion dollars as billions times an orgasmfeeling forever whenever is worth more than all the money in the world! You can convert millions with what I taught you, why not? Those millions say 1 dua 100x, that's 100 million 1 duas for you daily passively! This is what we should spend our time for, the eternal hereafter. If you get a million times an orgasm per second worship, 1 help = 1000 months (a help equals to 1000 months of worship the Prophet said below) or 1 trillion seconds of worship times million = that number times whatever like all pleasures orgasm, sex, beauty of spouse, alcohol, favorite foods, etc. And from hadiths (sayings of the prophet) you get same reward you teach for so 100 million 1 duas for you DAILY!

Small hadith miracle to prove these sayings:

And here's a short miracle of Quran to prove these hadith are truly divine:

These proofs are to prove the sayings above and below:

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “One who lends effort to the widows and the poor is like one waging jihad in the way of Allah, or one who regularly prays at night and fasts during the day.”

So sponsoring an orphan below keep reading, feeds them 60+ meals a month so the above times that! Fasting and night prayer 60 times a month!

The Prophet said, "The one who eats gratefully is like one who fasts patiently" so say, "Thank you for the food" before every meal and it's like you fast 3 or more times a day!

The Prophet said: “The people most beloved to God are those who are most beneficial to the people. To help a believer is like a thousand months of worship in my masjid (place of worship)."

If dawah (invitation to God) helps new believer for every deed they do you get same reward + thousand months of worship, so if they say dhikr (remembrance like thank God) 300 times you get 300 x 1000 months of worship daily passively while you sleep. For 1 second of worship, you actually get the unimaginable like God says in the hadith in paradise there's things a mind can't imagine. Anyways you get a house filled with 9s times an orgasm, cigarette, alcohol, drugs, etc FOREVER meaning over 10s of thousands of years per second worship! Now the 1000 months hadith, 1000 months is over 2.5 billion seconds times a house filled with 9s per help forever! Now what about auto dawah? Getting 60k+ people to convert so it helps them while doing nothing? You can do that for $20! Would you donate $20 for a kingdom? You get more than that per 1 dawah!

Check out is a site that you pay them $5+ a month and they send 15000 visitors to whatever link you provide. You can input the link as this site and you get reward of 15000 dawahs automatically! That's 15k helps and if 10% convert (from our experience 20% of site visitors convert and worship) and worship that's 1500 x 100 thank Gods a day so 300 million months of worship for life PER DAY! You would be homeless for 1 dawah, would you go homeless for a billion kingdoms and never die and get whatever you want at an instant? The reward of 1 dawah is better and gets you 15000 dawahs for $5, 60k dawahs for $20! Also if 0.1% sponsor an orphan that's 30+ orphans you sponsor a month!


​This shows how big the universe is:

If you get the universe filled with 9s times whatever per second worship...
House filled with 9s times that per help...

Millions times that is a 0 to infinity

Real reward: infinity times whatever is a bacteria in size comparison, reward of a second of worship with bad intention meaning like "f you god" is millions times world big

What about auto 15k helps for $5?! Just donate $5!

If you don't want to give up your card, we can do it for you. Click the button below and send us ONLY $5, if Satans whispers we're trying to scam you, running this site costs hundreds a month we lose money as only 5+ people give $5. If you can't click the button PayPal

Imagine you get $10 million dollars for each person you get to believe in God as red camels hadith says. The next life is more important as it's eternal. And imagine you get a million times a cigarette for 1 second worship, if the dawahs do 100 thank gods a day thats 5 mins+ of seconds for you passively! And 1 dawah you get a trillion times multiplier! My flyer converts 80% of atheists, my message gets 60 dawahs per posting for 60 minutes. My auto dawah gets 50%+ converts. That's trillions for me, not to brag but show you how so you can too.

Just give the money to our organization and you get double the reward, 1 reward for dawah 1 reward for raising us!

Post our message on Reddit, facebook, instagram, tiktok, and youtube trending.

Give our flyer manually in large people gatherings. To get this email us

Do that and you get trillions a day! Would you work 12 hours for a million dollars? You get more each time by God!


We posted our message 1 hour a day for a year and got 1000 convert worshipers! The message says visit the site to learn to worship more so they're worshipers for less and we can see how many came from Reddit and 1000 did! That's 100k thanks daily for FREE!

Now it's all about intention. What does that mean? Those 15k you send to our site, all would converts and worship minimum 1k times a day. That what God rewards you.

Even if you get 1 million dawahs, 1 more dawah you would be homeless for 80 years for, the reward is like gold bars 1 gold bar per dawah. If you get 1 dawah 1 bar, 10 dawahs 10 bars, that is 9 more bars! So you can never have enough reward!

God says there's things a mind can't imagine in paradise so past infinity times an orgasm!

Here are more miracles there's dozens:

Haman historical miracle:

Embryology miracle:

The numerical miracle above proves the Quran is not altered as it's impossible to have same word counts in a book but keep it making sense.

Similar sites: has a plan for...

$360 for 1 million visitors

600k visitors, $400 highest plan on

That's $760 for 1.6 million visitors, 1.6 billion months of worship monthly and if they say 100 thank gods that's 1.6 trillion months of worship a day! Do it once a year the $760 it's like $2 a day yearly!


The most helpful thing to humanity is dawah - why? Is a volunteer a good person? Why? Because they help people. Dawah saves the person you try to convert from burning forever, hell I would be homeless for centuries than go to hell for a week (Allah says the least punishment in Hell is a million times the feeling of burning yourself at the stove)! Dawah, trying to guide people, is the best deed to help people and most rewarding that's why Allah told all prophets to give it. You can get 30k dawahs for $10! That's better than all prophets combined!

Go to the site and buy any plan and use this site the site is

God says it's all about intention. Basically the 1.6 million + visitors would all donate at minimum $50 to dawah and so you get the same reward! Imagine you get a constant daily trillion times an orgasm per $1 you dedicate, you should dedicate hundreds or thousands a month!

Your money is just sitting in the bank collecting dust. Use it to make your hereafter better, that's more productive. Imagine you got a million times an orgasm for investing $1 for God, you would donate everything! If it turns out God doesn't exist, what did you lose donating? Your money is not taken with you when you die and if God doesn't exist you won't exist anymore to regret donating. And another God can't exist as the miracles of the Quran prove if there is a God it's Allah.


Why am I so keen on dawah? Because God says if you give 10 million dawahs you become a God. Now that might seem like a lot
but takes $20+ (plans up to 60k visitors for $20) a month and gets 60k. God cares about intention so that's 60k dawahs! This site teaches them how to give dawah so that's 10+ a day for each of the 60k. After a year 720k dawahs + 1.8 million dawahs from the ones that read this site and dedicate to auto dawah! What's the benefit of a God? All monks Muslims worshipers combined are a 0 to a God and you get that for eternity. See why this is more important than billions of dollars? But do minimum $20 plan it gets 60k visitors! Email us we'll send you a ready made free site like this one and teach you how to advertise it to get millions of dawahs for less than hundreds! Also we'll send you a ready made Instagram islamic theme page and teach you how to advertise it to get muslim followers to do your dawah!


God says...

One thank God is worth trillions times whatever you want!

If a thank God is condensed to a bacteria, thank God in place of worship is the world!

It's like 1000 months of place of worship thank gods to help someone!

That's trillions of thank gods, if you dedicate $20 you get 60k visitors and it doesn't matter if they don't convert as prophet Noah tried his whole life but got 11 converts. God cares about the try it's a hadith.

Now why dedicate just $5? Its the minimum. You spend thousands on bills and money is meant to be spent. Your money doesn't go when you die and it's like a depreciating asset. If you make over 50k a year you should at minimum dedicate $20! I don't need your money it's not my site I'm only trying to help you realize the reality. If you don't have much at least dedicate $50.

And if just 5 send 15k visitors, you get same reward for 75k visitors every month FOR LIFE!

Now what if they donate, feed the needy, help orphans, do free dawah below, worship, say the 1/2 dua in the post below once, it helps all 100 billion humans!

In total, dedicating $20 gets you trillions of months of worship daily for life. Now what if you dedicate the max plans on all 4 sites? That's 2.8 million visitors and you spend 5.2k a month. If you don't have that buy the maximum you can!

Buy from the 5 sites their max plans as if you just do auto dawah on 1, the 1 can only reach a set number of people.

The 5 sites are uswebtraffic, perfectbusiness, etc in the post below read on all of it to get them! You'd do auto dawah on all and search in Google for more sites to get traffic for a billion kingdoms! 1 dawah worth more than a kingdom, imagine millions of dawahs automatically, you get that for thousands. Take this seriously!


A meal on the ShareTheMeal app by the United Nations (so it's not a scam) is 80 cents! Donate $20 a month or more I spend more on eating out!

This isn't a waste as every help counts! If you get 1 gold bar per help, and you help 20 times and another person helps 30 times. That's 10 more gold bars for eternity!

The next life is eternal so like if you got a million dollars (a million times a cigarette/orgasm/any pleasure) in the next life it's more worth it then getting trillions in this life. Why? Because you get that million multiplier for over 100,000 years! While this life is 80, and you still sleep, eat, use bathroom, shave etc but in the next life you don't do any! 1 second of worship is rewarded greater than a house filled with 9s times an orgasm, do 1000x thanks a day or more! Read this whole site to get great information to become really big in the next life!


When you know God is true as the miracles prove then you really get 100 million times an orgasm per thank God and as the same reward hadith states whatever good you lead to you get similar reward. So if those 15k you send to this site if 1% say 100 thank Gods a day (from our experience 20%) then you get the reward of over 1500 thank Gods a day passively daily meaning you sleep and you're making more deeds than 80% of monks combined!

The Prophet Said...

Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Myself and the caretaker of an orphan will be in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together.

You are alone in your grave and take nothing no money, cars, belongings etc. Money is a depreciating asset so use it to raise you for the eternal next life! It's just your loss if you don't invest in your afterlife, I'm just trying to help :)

I want to share some hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) with you. Not to brag but help.

We base our religion off hadith there's no way to pray in Quran just from hadith.

So you'll be as big as the prophet for $30 a month sponsoring an orphan! Why not sponsor 3+ orphans and be better?

Prostitute water hadith:

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3321, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2245

Ibn al-Qayyim (a famous Islamic scholar) said, “If Allah Almighty had forgiven one who gave water to a dog suffering from extreme thirst, then how about one who relieves the thirst, satisfies the hunger, and clothes the naked among the Muslims?”

700 fold:

Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:

Every (good) deed of the son of Adam would be multiplied, a good deed receiving a tenfold to seven hundredfold reward.

Heaviest scale good character:

Abu Darda reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Nothing is heavier upon the scale of a believer on the Day of Resurrection than his good character. Verily, God hates the vulgar and obscene.”

Save yourself from fire half date:

‘Adi ibn Hatim reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Guard yourself against the Hellfire, even with half of a date in charity. If one cannot find it, then with a kind word.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6540, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1016

Best of feed:

Suhayb ibn Sinan reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best of you are those who feed others.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 23926

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Best charity:

Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Yes.” I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet said, “A drink of water.”

Source: Sunan al-Nasā’ī 3664

Sponsor an orphan gets all the above as you feed them 2+ meals a day, give them shelter, and water 30 days. All for a month for $30-$40.

Why I'm showing you this? I want to save you. Please sponsor an orphan for $30 a month and you get great reward I want to save yourself from hell. The 10 sahaba (companions of the Prophet) promised paradise still were more religious than 10 of us combined. They donated over 50%, prayed 10 times a day, etc. Why? They feared hell.

Don't listen to Satan he says "oh he's younger don't listen" " Oh he's disabled don't listen" "don't donate you'll go poor" it's $30 you spend more on eating out. Satan wants you to go to hell, praying is not enough.

Proof: the 10 sahaba (companions of the Prophet) promised paradise were still more religious than 20 of us.

Sponsor an orphan for $30-$40 a month here:

It costs $30 to sponsor an orphan but I recommend being 3-5 times better than the prophet PER MONTH and sponsoring multiple. If you run out of charities just search in Google "islamic charities sponsor orphans."

Hurry up! The charity is raising their orphan sponsorship's to $65 this month!

If not 1 is fine, but to be so big in the next life good worshipers are an atom to you, sponsor orphans and do auto dawah to this site as you get the reward of sponsoring 100 orphans if 100 people of the (up to 60k) you send sponsor.

My company is holding another $1000 giveaway and to enter you sponsor 3+ orphans the more the better and email us proof. We do this every month; to enter sponsor 3+ orphans monthly! Why are my bosses doing this? For the reward! You would do this for a million dollars but reward is billions+ times that!

If everything goes back to prophet Adam the first human/Muhammad you get rewarded for helping everyone in the chain so still if Adam gets 1000 helps you get 1001 for helping Adam

If you do auto dawah (continue reading to see what this is) for $20, Adam gets 100 dawahs you get 100 times everyone going back to Adam like 50 billion (according to Google 100 billion humans existed)

So 1 dawah post like 50 billion rewards! If you get 100 million times orgasm + lowest life (keep reading) for eternity per dawah you get over 50 billion times that for 1 post in 5 seconds! And that is a 0 to infinity, you can make 100 million times 50 billion a grain of sand. Fill universe with sand, 0 to infinity. Millions times it still 0.

If you dedicate $1 a day to this site you get 5 dawahs through Facebook ads AUTOMATICALLY! Just PayPal us!

We want to add this saying of the prophet...

Abu Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.”

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

Also our flyer at the end of this site, use it to get converts.

Dawah (inviting people to God) is the deed of the prophets. God told all prophets to give it and they're his favorite people so he would tell them the best thing. Some little prophets only gave dawah to their family. You'll be better than them by dedicating $1 a day to ads to this site!

Money is not taken with you when you die but deeds are. Think you have 10 minutes to spend a million dollars but only spend 100k. That's 900k left over - wasted! Your life is the 10 minutes and your time/donations is the million dollars. If a follower of prophet Noah brought him a convert and Noah converted him, surely the companion that brought the convert gets rewarded too. This is proven by a hadith below, keep reading.

What's $30 and 1-10$ a day on ads to you? Maybe you'll save 1 trip for groceries or fast food and in turn you get thousands of dawahs and 1 dawah (convert trying) is worth more than the kingdom of earth! Why I say trying? Because Prophet Noah tried for his whole life but only got 11 converts. Do you think God is that unfair to not reward him? Results are from God, he cares how hard you try.

The Prophet said...

Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By Allah, that Allah guides a man through you is better for you than a herd of expensive red camels.”

A red camel is like a red Ferrari so like $10 million to convert someone and the intention hadith above and another hadith (saying of prophet, God told him) is it is all about intention. So just making an ad gets 5 clicks for $1 dedicate $1 a day that's over 150 clicks a month and 20 red Ferraris times 150! Not if they convert as the intention hadith. Just trying to convert them gives the reward. For people that don't have the money to dedicate, just posting my message at the end of this site gets you a invite intention, we post it 1 hour a day+ so you too!

A king has all money in the world but 1 deed worth 100 million multiplier, times a million that's a 0, times world filled with 9s still 0 to infinity, even millions of worlds, you can never have enough deeds. You get over a billion deeds for one 1 dua! Say thousands a day you'd do it for a million dollars right? If it turns out God doesn't exist, what did you lose doing it or donating? Your money is not taken with you when you die and if God doesn't exist you won't exist anymore like before you were born to regret donating. And another God can't exist as the miracles of the Quran prove if there is a God it's Allah.

The benefits of paradise are as follows:

Imagine the next life is like this one but you are king of the world with your perfect spouse as the queen or multiple spouses. A perfect spouse is someone made for you they look how you want etc but not a robot. No getting older, bathroom, shaving, wealth worries, cutting nails, dirty things, no sleeping in paradise.

Everyone has their own palace and servants.

You are king of trillion citizens with queen at the top.

You can get whatever you want at an instant. This includes multipliers, imagine 10x an orgasm or how beautiful your spouse is or drugs/food etc. Now 100x, 1000x, 1 million times.

Now imagine 1 million counts as 1 sand grain and fill a house with sand added up, that's a zero to infinity. You can do it a million times over, that's like 5% of earth. You can do the whole earth filled with sand a mile high and each sand counts as 1 million - still a zero to infinity.

And that life is what a mind can imagine! God says in the hadith qudsi (meaning God said it through the Prophet) that paradise is what no mind has ever imagined. You get a multiplier for everything, how beautiful your spouse(s) are, drugs, all food, 40 min orgasm, etc. There is no having to wake at 7 for work/school, no bosses.

Imagine you get more of a multiplier for worship. For every second of thanks, you get 100 billion times whatever, for every fast, 100 trillion, for every dawah we get to this, 1 trillion. For every second of prostration 100 billion.

Alongside multipliers you can go into any world and do anything. Prophet tells us the lowest man in paradise is this what a mind can imagine. Lowest man can go into League of Legends, One Piece, Naruto, Greed Island from Hunter X Hunter, Pokemon, Overwatch/PUBG/Call of Duty. Also any world like a jungle and you visit with loved ones and observe dinosaurs is one world there's over a trillion!

The last man is all all knowing- what is? It's he knows the next 50k words I'm gonna say and the whole world at the same time. Also all of youtube videos he knows them all.

Also Lowest man lives for eternity. Imagine a sand grain is 30 years, you've lived for 30 years. Imagine all your memories as 1 sand and fill a stadium with sand, 0 to eternity. Imagine 10000 stadiums that's like 2% of earth, imagine the earth filled with sand and each sand counts as 30 years, that's a zero to eternity.

No offence I'm trying to help but you spend your whole life for 30-100k a year. This is what I thought to become a monk dedicating my life to God. Think about it, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd-12th grade, 4-12 years university and maybe more (med school). All to work a 9-5 for your whole life getting max 200-300k a year. I was like this too, but it really took me not long to figure out I spend 8+ hours a day for 20+ years to get a good paying job but one 1 dua is worth more than the whole world and all it contains Allah said!

Basically our point is you are not doing anything anyways so don't listen to Satan and read this whole site! And the hereafter is eternal (over a trillion years, million times million remember the house sand 20 years analogy, that isn't even a trillion!), while this life is 50 years after schooling but we always want more or a good job no matter how long it takes! We are trying to help not seem smart. This is why monks are monks, they realize the real priority and what we should work for is the hereafter, you realize it too. It's why my friends dropped out of school.

And money is just a number in the bank. You spend 30 years 8 hours a day to be a doctor getting 200k a year but you live the same life as a cashier just better house and car but you still have to wake at 7 for job. Think of paradise as you get more of a multiplier like a trillion times whatever you want for 1 seconds of worship. And 1 mansion filled with 9s per worship in a place of worship. If monk A worships 2 hours a day and monk B worships 12, monk B will forever have a feeling he can benefit from more than monk A. Now plug in the 2 to you, who do you want to be like?

Deeds last forever. Imagine you get a multiplier per worship. Someone called person A worships 100x a day for 5 minutes and person B 1000x a day. Person B will forever be higher than person A because he worshiped/helped more.

If God doesn't exist like Satan tricks you to think you won't exist anyways after you die like before you were born so you won't exist to regret dedicating all your income to God and worship him 24 / 7.

Cinnabon analogy - imagine you are always craving Cinnabons and are forever hungry. And you get 1 Cinnabon per worship- you can never have enough worship! You're always starting from 0 the reward even if you worship 80 years! If you go fishing and get 2 fish, better than 1 fish. Same for reward - 2 thank gods reward of 2, 1 thank god reward of 1.


You never lose worship- what I mean, a doctor in my city lost her life parked at a red light and someone crashed into her instantly killing the doctor. What that means? That doctor spent 20 years school, 8 years university, 4+ years medical school and lost all her knowledge and abilities to get a measly 200k - in an instant - wasted. But if she was smart and spent that 8 hours a day for 30 years in worship, you never lose the hereafter it's eternal. God tells us of a guy who just worshiped 6 hours when he was 21 but he's bigger than monks in paradise!

Humans always want more. Why do millionaires or billionaires still work? We should have the always want more mentality to deeds. We should be hungry for deeds, why? Because imagine a house filled with 9s number times an orgasm. That's really something, while it doesn't matter if you have $7 million or $7 billion. You still wake up at 7 to go work like a minimum wage employee.

And that's the lowest man! He gets the shitty reward. He's a bacteria and a pious worshiper is the universe or greater. Don't you want more? I would prostrate for 20 hours for a billion dollars! 1 second of prostration is worth more than 100 billion! Be better than a pious worshiper!

There is no limit to reward because God is infinite.

There's more ways to worship God just wait, read it all!

​If you're doubting if Allah/God can give the lowest man life, here is 6 proofs he can:

First is Allah says be and it is from the Quran, basically he just said "be" and the universe was created.

​Second is star size comparison videos you can fit 1.3 million Earths in the Sun and 1.3 million Suns in another star called Betelgeuse. If Allah can create the whole universe filled with hundreds of trillions of stars bigger than this by saying be can't he do million times whatever forever?

Third is there's a hadith the reward of the (voluntary morning prayer) is greater than the whole earth and all it contains. What is greater than that? Not material like gold or money because you already get all the materials. At minimum it's a multiplier.

Fourth is the dead goat hadith like earth...
So the Prophet was walking with his companions and picked a dead ugly goat and asked who would take it off him. None wanted it. The Prophet said verily the whole earth and all it contains is like this ugly goat in Allah's eyes.

Fifth is Allah says there is what no mind has ever imagined in jannah or paradise meaning a mind can imagine material like gold so the reward is past that.

Sixth if you don't believe hadith Quran says you get what you want in jannah so lowest man life!

Remember this is just an analogy, you actually get blissful enlightenment or the unimaginable for worshiping God. God says whatever you want (even multipliers) is a prison in the next life. Imagine the reward!

If you did a lot in a day you would feel really productive but real productivity is deeds and working for your next life as the next life is over a trillion years and you get what you want in it. You should feel really productive if you do a lot to benefit your hereafter.

It's not donating when you know God exists its investing for your next life. Barakah or blessing proves God exists such as us monks our hair not growing or sleeping 30 minutes or not eating. Investing for this life so you have an extra 50% after 5 years but money is just a number in the bank but you actually get something for each help, trillions times an orgasm.

Allah even says "Spend on me son of Adam and I will spend on you" how do you think I'm a millionaire? I donated 50%+ of my monthly income for 4 years and I still donate today! I also followed more ways to make money in Islam. One is being grateful, I did the grateful dua which is taking 5 minutes a day to thank Allah for all your blessings like "Thank you for my eyesight" "thank you for my food" etc. Another way is seeking forgiveness, say o Allah forgive me 10k times a day, grateful dua, donate 20-30+% of your monthly income or less but still and see the post below I made a site detailing all the free courses I used to make my wealth, read this site all and the post below to see!

God says above (analogy) is a bacteria in size comparison, the reward of 1 thank god is the world!

Same reward you get for leading to anything is a hadith so those 30k visitors you send, 20% worship from our experience 100 thank gods a day takes 5 minutes so for you, 20% of 30k - 6000 x 100 thank gods A DAY FOR LIFE = 600k thank gods reward times world, and a bacteria is above analogy, passively you get it meaning while you sleep you get 600k thank gods for $20, we dedicate on all sites max plans! Why settle for less?

If you get a visitor to sponsor an orphan you get same reward! If you dedicate the $20 plan or more, you will easily get 0.01% of visitors (Actually around 1% from our experience) to dedicate to 1+ orphans at $40 which is 60 orphan sponsorships a month!


Satan tells you "there's no difference in heaven you just get what you want"
Ask any Muslim they say there’s 7 levels of paradise, what's the difference between levels 1 and 7?
If in level 1, you get 1 million times orgasm etc level 7 you get a house filled with 9s number or more! See the difference?

the Prophet said, "Allah said, "I have prepared for My righteous slaves (such excellent things) as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart can ever think of.' "

so the world filled with sand and each sand counts as 1 million times an orgasm is nothing to what a mind can imagine even millions times that is a 0 to what no mind can imagine. So see why you should aim for level 7?

Even if you have the universe filled with 9s times deeds you would still go homeless for 80 years for 1 deed. Why? Would you go homeless for the kingdom of the earth? 1 deed worth trillions times that!

The miracles of the hadith prove them and the prophet really said this. For instance the hadith give the signs of the end times that gay marriage will be legalized, makkahs buildings will surpass the mountains (Arabs used to build in the ground from the heat, how could that statement occur to the prophet?). Also obesity will increase, now over 30% of Americans are obese but in the old days they didn't have cars so they walked alot and wouldn't get fat.

If you dedicate to dawah you get trillions of months of worship a day, hundreds of orphan sponsorships, and snowball dawah meaning your dawah will stretch to many, as 30k visitors and 1% of them dedicate $20 that's over 3 million visitors and 1% of the 3 million dedicate, now 45+ million visitors! It keeps going!

So dedicate hundreds to dawah a month check the sites: and

Even doctors I saw say it's impossible to go 25 days without food or drink but I did and that proves God to me. Also if you get blessing you know it's not magic just trust in God and try it. You'd know if you were about to starve to death anyways so there's no harm in trying. And you'd know if you were doing magic. I barely eat now just a few bites weekly is my routine.

Later please share this site with friends and family as you will get great reward (better than the past times a million) for guiding them. Just send them the message that can be copied below. Invitation to God has the greatest reward, what did God tell his Prophets to do most? Invitation to God. We get to invitation below. And the prophets are God's favorite people so he would tell them the best thing to do which is invitation to God.

Tell you what, for each screenshot you share of sending your contacts the message below I'll give you $1 (this is real because less than a tenth of a percent of visitors act on it).

Email us the proof If you wonder why I don't use a professional email if I'm rich, because it is a waste of money. That's $2 I can spend on dawah for 10 dawahs or 10 kingdoms forever! If you take pictures of sending this message on Reddit I'll personally give you $1 per 10 pictures. It takes 1 hour to post 300 times, that's a 30 per hour job. $2 per post If you send the long dawah message at the end of this site. $3 per post for first 5 to do it! Why I'm doing this? For more dawah!

The contacts message is here:


Hi I found this site that teaches you how to get 1 million or more times the feeling of a cigarette for FREE! It is Check it out for 3 minutes!


I want to introduce Satans plan. He tells you "oh hes younger don't listen"

"Oh he's illogical don't listen"

He makes you lazy so you don't worship.

They want to mess you up, take you to hell, and they laugh at you.

Please scroll below for the benefits of deeds and why to fast, even fasting thrice a week makes you higher in paradise. See below on how to fast. Also God says staying celibate for God is equal to billions of fasts.


We want to add for added reward you can fast 3+ days a week. Buddha tells us he fasted 5 days a week and wish he fasted more when he saw the reward of fasting. You can fast by eating less/nothing (the more serious you take the fast, the more reward) from noon to dawn and eating < 600 calories. We fast for 3 days at a time now that we worked it up. Will power is like a muscle so you have to start small and then fast more.

The Prophet said there is no equal to fasting and 1 fast moves you up in paradise by 70 years worth of distance traveled. Even refrain from eating and drinking a lot a couple days a week and work your way up to fasting more and like us monks which is no food or drink from noon to dawn. Even take it slow and work it up to fasting more. There is a saying that fasting is for God and he rewards for it while other good deeds he multiplies by 10 up to 700 times. God says fasting is for me and I reward for it also imagine the reward for fasting, God says has no equal! Imagine you got 1000x billion an orgasm once break fast, I would fast everyday! You get more than that for fasting. That's why we fast daily.

Actions are by intentions as the prior hadith said multiplied by 10-700x

This means your fast and worship is multiplied by 10 up to 700 times! You really should fast. The Prophet fasted 2-4 times a week and we should want to be like the Prophet so minimum fast twice - thrice a week and work it up. Even fast from eating your favorite foods and still eat your non favorites. Or fast like Christians, from 1 food, and work it up to fasting like us which we only eat a few bites a week.

We provide a message at the end of this site to send to your contacts/post online that leads to this site and converts people. Keep reading. Even if the person doesn't convert, you get rewarded for just the intention of inviting to God. Even if you just post the message 10 minutes a day to Reddit/Youtube Trending/Facebook groups say you get 1-5 convert worshipers a day, that's like 1000 converts a year! That's 1000 universes times whatever you want! Just do it for 10 minutes+ a day.

Between 6 PM and 7 AM you are not doing anything anyways (with blessing you can sleep 10 minutes) you are just at home. This is why to worship 24/7 or all times you are free:

You have no 2nd chance to life. Everything you do in this life determines the eternal hereafter. You should be more religious as there is a saying of the Prophet that the morning prayer in congregation at the temple, is rewarded so greatly that people would crawl to it for it. Imagine the special worship, saying it is better. God says the special worship is that number or more better than the morning prayer (the universe filled with 9s). I'm just trying to help no offence not to call you a money whore (it's Satan's plan he wants you to think you're a money whore as the analogy makes perfect sense) but imagine you get money for worship.

If you got $100 per worship how serious would you take worship? Rather money is a bad example because at a certain point money is just a number in the bank. You see, humans as a species always want more. Why do billionaires still work or millionaires? Or why do the investors of shark tank still invest? You see, humans always want more money but we should always want more deeds it's more important to think like that. We should turn the "always want more" attitude to deeds. We should be hungry for deeds. Why? Because money is static, it's just a number


God loves worship and you want to be of his beloved as he will make you higher and help you in this life so even say 500+ 1 duas a day.

Example: I was really sick (like a vegetable medically couldn't eat, walk, or talk) and got cured miraculously, it's God's will. Because I worship a lot.

In 1 minute you can say one dua 5-10+ times. That is why monks cry if they have to go pee because they care a lot about their time.

And monks are homeless, they get blessing (we go more about it below) in their work so they make enough to sustain themselves in the temple. They save 8 hours sleeping from blessing we sleep 10 minutes (just nap close your eyes), 8 hours in work (with blessing in work we save time from a job, and 8 hours we normally would have to ourselves. That is how we worship 16+ hours a day and monks too. You try it too after reading below because blessing undeniably proves God exists so we dedicate ourselves to God. To get blessing you worship a lot, minimum 6 hours like a job.

To reinforce God's existence to you, this is a monk levitating. He said God spoke to him through voices and told him to go on America's got Talent to prove God exists, see the video then come back to this site we still have to get into blessing:

This proves God exists as what made him levitate? If you say the cane supported him through the floor, the cane was bent on the ground right when he stopped levitating so there was nothing through the cane to support him. It is purely God's will. He said God spoke to him through voices and told him to go on Americas got Talent to prove God for me. I'm the mahdi. I didn't say before as you'd think I'm arrogant or crazy but Allah/God began speaking to me through voices and told me. He also told me to create this site and come out. The mahdi is the last messenger in Islam. Islam preaches a messenger was sent to every nation so Prophet Muhammad wasn't the last one as there are nations after him. And the Quran states Muhammad is the last messenger but Allah told me the Muhammad in the Quran means the mahdi. The Prophet even said his (mahdi) name is like mine, Muhammad which is my name. The mahdi has signs: he's related to the prophet, I am. He has a big Forehead, pointy nose with bone at the top, and big eyes I have all those.

To prove God can do anything and he really exists, God gave me some miracles. First he told me the cure to bacterial diseases like cholera and ebola. 7.7 million deaths a year are from these, I'm going to release it to news and UN on TV. It works I tested it and it killed my bacterial overgrowth. Second he made my IQ from 110 to 250. Next is the miracles of the Quran in the post below. Another personal miracle is I saw shadow people like shadows moving. They came for a week but disappeared for 3 days after I did something. I read the last 2 verses of chapter the Cow in the Quran God told me to. They came back after 3 days and then left after a week. Months later I found a hadith (saying of the Prophet) that Satan doesn't come near a house where the last 2 verses of chapter the Cow is read for 3 days. This is why I'm personally religious. It proves Islam no doubt.

​Again if you want to dedicate, it's just $5+ and you convert thousands! Paypal or click the button:

​Point 4.

You read a book for entertainment right? Read this whole site please it has life changing information and a $10,000 giveaway read all of this site to enter! This site is more important than reading for entertainment.

This is what convinced me, read on because blessing in food and sleep undoubtedly proves God exists so we dedicate our lives to God. See this point for how to sleep 1 or less hours.

Think about it, if God exists he created the whole earth and space, can't he make you sleep and eat less? You can fit millions of Earths in the sun and million of suns in other stars so can't God make you sleep 30 minutes if he can create such big creations? Try it out yourself. You can't claim it's magic that I sleep 30 minutes when you do it yourself.

This is what I experienced:

If you go from sleeping 8 hours a day and getting tired if you sleep 6 hours, to having blessing in your sleep and sleeping less (4 or less hours, personally it gets shorter over time for me as I have more trust in God) it proves a God exists to me. We do this by turning off the alarm as it doesn't trust God. Next sleep in the morning around 10 AM. To get worship you have to worship God 4-16 hours. Next trust God can do anything and sleep less. Also eating less, to get it you just don't eat and trust God can do anything. There are narrations of the prophet staying 2 months with only black (dirty) water yet he never experienced kidney stones. God can do anything, think like that and have blessing in food and drink.

Also it might only be 4 hours for you at first but I suggest taking it slow and working up to trusting that God can make you sleep 1 or less hours. You get more blessing the more you worship.

We also eat less. We eat a few bites every week and don't feel hunger and stay the same weight and 1 cup of coffee a week. These two things prove God to me as I was normal before sleeping 8-10 hours a day and eating 3 big meals aka 2000 calories. Last time I had water was February 3rd and I have 1 ish cups of fluid a week since February and 100 calories a week. Still the same weight and not being unhealthy with kidney stones or other things.

We shave without water or shaving cream and our hair doesn't grow back. Think about it, God loves worship and it's a waste of time to cut hair so he will make it not grow. Same for eating, sleeping, etc. To get this blessing you have to worship a lot, minimum 6-8 hours. Think of it like a job. All monks are like this for years, they don't come out as it is a waste of time but I'm different I want to help.

We're sending money ($1000) to all dawah givers who get 100k+ views! Just send a screenshot to

As a bonus we'll donate 1 meal per 10 dawahs you get!

First 5 to take up this offer, we'll send x2 money.

You try it too. Realize God can do anything and it's God's fault if you die of starvation but he won't let you die as he loves believers. When we realized this now we fast for a week and only eat a few bites and stay the same weight. Again we were normal before but God entered our lives and we suggest you try the same. Work it up overtime. Try eating 500 calories a day then gradually work it to 500 calories a week and so on. 500 calories is about a hamburger and fries. If you eat 500 calories a day or less, this proves God exists as the FDA says you need 2000 calories a day to survive. Record your calories.

Or if you really want to test if you're getting blessing and prove God exists to you, go 5 days without food or drink. Again every worshiper gets blessing so don't worry, and you would know if you are going to die from thirst so you can just drink then. This proves God exists as you die if you don't drink for 3 days. And it's not magic as you are doing it and would know if you are doing magic. This is how you personally prove God to yourself. So you don't die if you're scared of it, do blessing in sleep: sleep at 10 AM on the floor and see!

You get blessing by trusting in God and removing things that don't trust him (eating more than you need or an alarm). By worshipping 8 hours+ monks get it.

Stay and read just for 10ish+ minutes we are getting to why and how to do the best deed, invitation to God and the importance of time.

You save 8 hours with blessing in sleep, and are free 8 hours and save 1-2 hours by not eating and the time it takes to prepare food. That means all of us are free 12+ hours a day to worship. Just say the saying with focus in a spare room preferably and you will get way higher.

My teachers taught me this:

If you trust in God but you sleep or eat the same, it doesn't mean God doesn't exist it could mean you didn't trust enough. Or you didn't worship. To get blessing you have to worship minimum 4 hours for weeks.

Read on all of it is important we will get to invitation to God for the past reward times that number (the universe filled with 9s.)

We suggest worshiping in the time you save sleeping and eating, 9 hours+ for us.

Now for invitation to God, if you try to guide 1 person (aka just send a message to someone about this site or make a flyer of the message and it is the intention of invitation to God if you give it out to someone) you get similar deeds to everything they do. And the reward for guiding a person is a herd of red camels according to the Prophet which red camels were really prized so the modern equivalent is a bunch of red Ferrari cars. The monetary equivalent is over a million dollars if you just get someone to believe in God! There is a saying that it is all about intention so if you try to guide someone, imagine you get a million just for handing a flyer of the message below to someone. We would convert everyone!

If the person you send to this site believes and fasts and says the one dua thousands of times over their life span, you get the same reward for all of that. So if they amass a trillion+ deeds in their life, you get the same trillion added to your account. This is because of the saying of the Prophet:

The Messenger of God said, "He who calls others to follow the Right Guidance will have a reward equal to the reward of those who follow him, without their reward being diminished in any respect on that account."

And this saying to prove it's true:

The Prophet said, “By God, that God guides a man through you is better for you than a herd of expensive red camels.”

A red camel is like a red Ferrari.

Think about it, God told all his prophets, his favorite people, to do invitation to God. Actually no. There were 124,000 prophets and 313 messengers a messenger is a prophet sent with a new message like the Quran. God only told 25 special messengers to do dawah (invitation). That's how good it is, the prophets don't deserve the reward God tells me. He would tell them to do the most efficient thing because they're his favorites. That is why we spam Reddit and YouTube/Instagram/Facebook groups comments leading to this site for 2+ hours a day at home and worship at home.

Share this site with friends and family or more, like post on Reddit or YouTube Trending on google search it up after, about this site or create flyers to pass out at malls/universities/parks/streets at NYC etc. Satan tricks you with "dawah is for only prophets" Why does the red camels hadith (saying of the prophet) exist?

The Prophet said...

​Whoever intends to perform a good deed but does not do it, then Allah will record it as a complete good deed. If he intends to do it and does so, then Allah the Exalted will record it as ten good deeds up to seven hundred times as much or even more.

Source: Sahih Bukhari 6126, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi meaning very authentic

That means you're reward herd of red ferraris for trying dawah! Just giving someone a flyer or posting my message! Not if they convert or not or even read it!

Imagine you convert a person and get 20 red Ferraris. This site is proof of God enough. Just send someone to this site and reap the rewards. Copy the message below to do this. You get rewarded even if it's our site because God is fair and it's all your fault so dedicate even $1 a day email us!

Imagine you got a person named person A to visit this site. Imagine they converted and became a good worshiper. They would get over 50 billion deeds every time they say the 2 dua in the post below. Imagine they say it only 100 times a day for the rest of their lives, it takes 5 minutes. They would get over 500 trillion deeds a day and over a year over 10,000 trillion deeds. You would too according to the saying above of the Prophet that whatever the person you converted does you get similar reward. Now imagine you send the message we provide to copy and paste and send to your contacts, and you get over 10 to convert and worship. Or imagine you run Facebook ads to this site and spend $5 a day. You reach 35 people a day or almost 10k a year!

Your time is very important.

Imagine I give you 100 minutes and every time you say 1 dua you get a million good deeds. And every person you invite to God, you get 1 billion deeds and whatever the person you invited does, you get similar deeds with no diminish to them. If they fast once, you both get the same reward. Or if they fast 100x over their life. This site has gotten 200 + people to become good worshipers, so I am getting over 20000 one duas a day and 200+ fasts a week. I don't say this to brag but help because you can do it too.

Life is like that but just a bigger version of the analogy at first. Instead of 100 minutes you have 60 or so years and instead of a million deeds you get blissful enlightenment in the next life.

Realize you only live once. Any time you waste you won't get back, to worship or better your next life. There's no second chance at life and to better your paradise.

Here are common wastes of time for me: Eating as I can live off a few bites a week so say instead I eat the normal 3 meals a day. That would shave off 30 minutes or more from my day and that doesn't count the time it takes to make the meal. Without eating, you will save an hour a day and that is an hour you can use to raise yourself. Other wastes of my time are sleeping too long, playing video games/watching TV, working too long (I just need 1000 a month to sustain myself), shaving (I shave once then rely on God for my hair not to grow), etc. Anything that doesn't raise you in the next life is a waste of my time. We save time not working by relying on God to sustain us and affiliate marketing we heard of 12 minute affiliate search it up it's a work from home opportunity and it saves us time from a job.

Again, I work more hours for $50-$500 an hour so why not at least worship the time I save sleeping? You too.

We suggest the use of a timer for worship. We find it helps a lot. We just set a 30 minute timer and say the special worship and wait till it's over then restart it at night so for 12+ hours from 8 pm - 10 am then sleep from 10 am to 10:30 am. We urge you to do the same as when we didn't use a timer we only got 100+ minutes of worship in but with a timer 16+ hours.

Think: how do monks sustain themselves? God sustains them. With blessing we save over 16 hours a day that we can worship in. Monks don't work or shower or eat much? It's all from blessing. Blessing changes lives.

Why do we worship so much (16 hours)? Because we are not doing anything in our free time anyways so the real productivity is using time to worship because it is just like investing. It betters your hereafter so why not worship? Investing betters your life which is only 80 years. Worship betters your next life which is over a trillion years. What's more important? For example between 9-5 I am just sitting around I can worship in that time. If you have a job then between 6-6 you are free to worship.

Please see the message below to send to your contacts that leads them to this site so they can become good believers and you get rewarded.

Then see the post "Why To Dedicate To God." for why to dedicate your time and money to God. Also proof for our religion is in this post and once you see the proof you will know our religion is right also all religions are right. Once you know your religion is right and you get blessing in sleep, eat, and work then why wouldn't you worship 12+ hours?

You get rewarded more the more you worship so why not worship longer? Just 10 minutes a day adds up.


Point 5.


Please read this all then move on to the next post:

Invitation to God is the best thing. There is a saying of the prophet that the reward for the voluntary morning prayer is greater than the whole world and all it contains. Imagine that, not a million or billion $ but all gold, diamonds, and money etc. Also, God told some messengers to do invitation to God. they're his favorite creations so he would tell them the best thing. He didn't tell them to do the morning or other prayers. That means invitation to God is better than the morning prayer in reward times quintillions! If I got $1 million per person I invite to God I would give invitation all day! You actually get a lot more. We make it easy for you and prepared the message and site for you. All you have to do is copy the message below and post it on Reddit or YouTube trending comments or Facebook group comments (join groups and reply to people's comments). Even 5-10 minutes a day reaches 50+ people! You will be better than some prophets for doing that! People are better based on their piety God says.

If you send person A to this site and they start believing in God and worship him by saying the supplication 100 times a day, they get over 200 billion deeds added to their account and you get the same deeds added passively meaning while sleeping.

In total, 20000 people have visited this site and 5000+ have converted so try to send 10+ people a day by writing on Reddit/YouTube comments. That is like 100k 1 duas per day for me, you can do it too!

So if person A does worship for 20 minutes a day for 300 days, that's 100 hours of worship and you get rewarded just like him (100 hours of worship) if you converted person A. Remember all of this is passive meaning you do nothing. Now how about you reply to comments the message on Reddit/YouTube and get 10 people a day to read it? That is 10 rewards for invitation to God. And if they visit this site it is recurring deeds from them if they fast/say the worship 100+x.

Maybe even create flyers to distribute at a store/park /mall/highly dense area or advertise this site to a social following. Copy the message below to a word document and print it to hand out at areas. Imagine you get a million just for handing out the flyer, I would try to guide everyone! That is why we spam the message on Reddit and Youtube for hours a day. Or even we suggest if anyone has the experience, to run ads to this site from major social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Google, Bing, Snapchat, etc. You get rewarded even though it is our site as God is fair. Or contact us to help you run ads, email us at You can hire someone on Fiverr (a site to advertise your services)to run ads for you, just check it out or give us the money! 

So if you convert a thousand worshipers and they worship and say the above each for one hour, you get the reward of a thousand hours of worship DAILY!


Here is the message, copy it and send it to your contacts and post it on YouTube trending on Google or Reddit on the app or instagram/Facebook groups.

This message gets about 100 converts a month we can see how many visit the site and about 50-100 people visit so they are at minimum converts as the message says go to this site to worship God so why would they want to worship if they didn't convert. Also those 1000 are saying the one dua at least 10 times if not 100, which means that is 10k-100k one duas daily added to my scale. Not saying to brag but help, you can do it too. Just post the message below 1 hour a day a year and get the same results.

The message:


My company is hosting a $10,000 giveaway to 10 people on the site! This ends this month so be quick! Just read this and the site!

Sorry to take up your time but im trying to help:)

This message proves God and tells why to worship him.

Imagine a million times the flavor of your favorite food or an orgasm. How about a trillion. Don't you want that? That's what you get each time you worship. To worship you say "oh God thank you for all my blessings" do this 300x+ a day it takes 10 minutes! Imagine you get a trillion times an orgasm or your favorite foods flavor per thanks forever! Like 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 not 3 1s so imagine 10x an orgasm as 10 multipled by the feeling, a million multiplied by the feeling of an orgasm.
God had to of create time; and time has a beginning, middle, and end. So God has no beginning as time doesn't apply to him before he created it. He always existed. What created the big bang before it began? There's no answer to how reality exists other than God.

Also another logical proof for God: what created water? The big bang didn't and neither did life that created itself did so what? Same for lava, rainbows, trees/wood, and clouds. God created them.

Everything has a creator except God he always existed as he created time and the concept of a beginning. God says he burns disbelievers, please believe, I'm trying to help!

The lowest man (1 million times whatever FOREVER) has 1 deed according to hadith (saying of the prophet). There's a sahih (meaning authentic, even hadiths talking about prayer are sahih there's no way to pray in quran we base our religion off hadith) hadith that 1 help is like 1000 months of worship or 10 billion deeds! 10 billion times lowest man life (1 million) for thousands+ of years. 

Check out it is a site that you pay them $5+ a month and they send 15000 visitors to whatever link you provide. You can input the link the visitors go to as the dawah (invitation to God) site that converts people: it converted over a 1000 already not to brag but show it works. You get reward of 15000 dawahs automatically you get rewarded 15k dawahs even if they don't convert because Prophet Noah proves that he tried his whole life but only got 11 converts! That's 15k helps and if 10% convert and worship that's 1500 x 100 thank Gods a day so 150 million months of worship for life PER DAY!

The proofs above just prove God but this proves Islam:

Numerical miracles

When you know God exists you really get 1 million times an orgasm per thanks, 1 worship is more important than billions of dollars as a billionaire would give up all for just a million times an orgasm and you get that per 3 seconds worship forever! And you get to live forever experiencing that! Why not believe and worship 4+ hours?

Helping a brother/sister is rewarded like hajj Hasan al-Basri, a Muslim scholar said, “Going to fulfill the fellow Muslim brother’s need is better than one Hajj after another.” Hajj is millions times worship so thousands times hajj! What about sending 15k people to our site, converting them, and getting them to say the worship thousands of times? That's a lifetime of a million helps per person and 60k helps for converting 60k for $20 or cheaper plans! $5 for 15k visitors! Make sure to share this with family and friends you get same reward as them!

If you want to dedicate, use but if you dont want to use your card, PayPal us $5+ our PayPal is or visit our site or later if you're busy.

Read the site on how to worship (imagine a trillion times whatever like an orgasm, you get better than that per worship!) You'll never experience 10x an orgasm and you work for $30 an hour, don't you think it's logical to dedicate just 20-30 minutes to learning how to benefit your hereafter? It's eternal too. We should work 8 hours for the next life rather a 9-5.

Please share the site with family and friends (please copy and share maybe even post on reddit/youtube/Facebook/instagram for great reward, this message here: or pass our flyer on the site in malls parks schools universities in downtown etc as invitation to God has great, even better than worship millions of times over, reward in the next life. Why did God tell all his prophets to do invitation to God his favorite people so he would tell them the best thing? Copy the message at the end of my site or this message to send to your contacts / post online.

Thank you and have a great day!


When your account on Reddit or others gets banned create a new one it's simple I've done that 100s of times. With a fake email and password.

You get same reward as all visitors as same reward hadith says, dedicate $10+ a day! You spend more on bills but bills will never help you in the next life. You invest for more money why not invest for more deeds the next life is eternal?

We recommend you do like us, create an Islamic Instagram theme page and post hadiths you get from ours (Islamic Rebound). Copy our bio which teaches people how to give dawah. We do this and 130k accounts were reached in the last 30 days. There is a saying of the prophet that it's all about intention so even trying gives you the reward of dawah times that number (a house filled with 9s).

Also I'm trying to make 130k dawah missionary that give dawah 1 hour a day so like 300 dawah intentions times 130k a month! You do the same, just copy our instagram and bio its free @islamicrebound is the account.

Also for your Instagram page, you can post a note why to say 1 dua and boost it for $1-$5 reaches 300-1000 people and if 5 say it 10x a day that's 50 1 duas added to your scale daily!

You could die tomorrow! What does that mean? The next hour you only have 1 hour to worship or do dawah. It's not worth the risk! Imagine you made 1 million $ per 1 second 1 dua. That's billions a day you lose forever when you die so WORSHIP!

Save this message to a note and daily copy and paste it to YouTube trending comments on the google search bar and reply to peoples comments. Or download the Reddit app, create an account, and reply the message to comments on threads in the popular section.

I personally would send this comment to all my contacts. Maybe even create flyers to distribute at a store/park or advertise this site to my social following. For YouTube, don't post the comment to the video's comment section that doesn't get results. Instead reply to people the comment to get results. Do this 10-20 minutes + a day.

Just copy paste this site and use wix. You can see how many visit on wix, and edit the message above to link to your site. If you get 1000 visitors email us a picture and we'll give you $100! If you get 100000 visitors $1000 we'll give you! Why we give so much? I'm a millionaire anyways and what is money meant for? To be spent. Also 1 dawah is worth more than billions! If you give me 1,000,000 - 10,000,000 dawahs I would give you 1% of my wealth (I'm a multi millionaire).

Or the site is a site that sends 30k visitors to any link for $20. We use the highest plan, 1 million visitors for $360 but you can do the lowest for $20 and after a year send us a screenshot and we'll reward you with $100!

Do that and you get the intention for invitation to God as there is a saying that it is all about intention. Even make a flyer and hand it out at the mall or at schools/universities weekly.


​We reply to 300+ people a day with this message. We suggest you do the same as if only 10% read it and convert and become good worshipers, that's already 10 times red camels from the saying for invitation to God + whatever good they do you get the same reward for life. If only 1 worships 100 times a day that's 100 months of worship for helping someone a day completely passively meaning while you sleep auto deeds.

If you paste this message 1 hour a day to Reddit, we can see how much visitors came from Reddit in the past year and we've gotten 1k visitors from Reddit. If you read the message, it calls people to say the 1 dua 100x a day. Also if they visit this site, they are looking to worship more so minimum those 1k are doing 100 1 duas a day and 2+ fasts a week and other worships we teach! We are not bragging, but showing you if you post our message to replies of people 1 hour a day this is what you can get.

Also each time a convert says 1 dua you/I get rewarded a thousand months of worship as it's like helping a believer! That's 100k one duas added to my/your scale, plus 100k thousand months of worship! All from copy and paste for 6+~ months! You can do it too! How I do it, I think I would post to 200+ people a day if I got just $1 million per post to someone. That's $2 billion a day after an hour of work! You get much more than $1 million per post in the next life. Imagine like more than the universe filled with sand and each sand is a million times itself every second for the next trillion years times whatever you want. That's a zero to what you really get for invitation to God per 1 you do. So 200x+ reward for 1 hour a day posting!

​Here is the Easter egg:

email your name after reading this to be entered into a $10,000 giveaway! There's only 10 prizes remaining read this site all and the post to secure it! Keep reading for more entries! I don't buy a professional email as that wastes money I can use to spread God's religion.

(2x entries if invest within 2 weeks and send picture to our email) 3x entries and hidden prizes in the post "Why to dedicate to God" below! If enough people do dawah and send it to us, we'll do another giveaway of $10,000 to 10 people!

More entries if you share this site. Just copy this message below and send it to contacts or print it and pass out the flyer at malls or large people gatherings. Or post the message to Reddit, youtube trending, facebook groups and instagram. First post the message above for dawah rewards! For every 100 people you share this message with, we'll sponsor an orphan!

The message is here:

Hi imagine millions times the flavor of your favorite foods or an orgasm. I found this site that teaches you how to get that for FREE! A million multiplied by the feeling not a million orgasms.

Check the site all, it is:

This is a saying of the Prophet we want to share on why you should give invitation to God:


​The intention hadith:

That means you get rewarded for just the intention of inviting to God, not if the person you are calling to God converts or not.

That's Satan that makes you too weirded out/lazy to do invitation to God. Don't let him win.


Just copy and share the message with 10 or more contacts and that is the reward of intention of calling to God. And if they share the message you get rewarded for everyone they share it to. Or share it on the Reddit app/youtube trending replies.

And if you share this message with your social following, so if you have 10,000 followers you will get the deeds of 10,000 intention for invitation to God. And if 1% click it and convert, that is 100 invitations to God and if they worship that is billions of deeds passively added to your account every day. Now I suggest copy and pasting the message to Reddit comments. You can download the Reddit app, create an account, and daily post the message for 10+ minutes and create a new account every time your account gets banned.

Scroll below to see the post titled "Why To Dedicate To God" click it:

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